
GitHub vs. GitLab: Business Models Compared

GitHub’s open-source business model is web-based hosting for software development and version control using Git, facilitating collaborative source code development among programmers and monetizing via premium and enterprise support. GitLab’s open-core business model instead is a collaborative code repository used to host and review code, build software, and manage projects, monetized primarily through its two paid plans (Premium & Ultimate) and via its subscription add-ons.

ElementsGitHubGitLabSimilaritiesDifferencesCompetitive Advantage
Customer SegmentsDevelopers, teams, enterprisesDevelopers, teams, enterprises, government agenciesBoth target developers, teams, and enterprises.GitHub primarily focuses on developers and offers free and paid versions for individuals and teams. GitLab has a broader customer base, including government agencies, and offers self-managed and cloud-hosted solutions with a strong emphasis on DevOps capabilities.Extensive developer community (GitHub). DevOps focus and broader customer base (GitLab).
Value PropositionCode hosting, collaboration, developer toolsEnd-to-end DevOps platform, code hosting, CI/CDBoth provide code hosting and collaboration tools.GitHub offers code hosting and developer tools, emphasizing collaboration. GitLab offers a comprehensive DevOps platform, including code hosting, continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), and DevSecOps capabilities.Developer-friendly tools and collaboration (GitHub). All-in-one DevOps platform (GitLab).
ChannelsWebsite, API, integrations, partnershipsWebsite, API, integrations, partnershipsBoth utilize online channels, APIs, and partnerships.GitHub operates through its website, API, and integrates with various development tools and platforms. GitLab also offers a website, API, and integrations while emphasizing its comprehensive DevOps capabilities.Extensive integrations and partnerships (both). DevOps focus (GitLab).
Customer RelationshipsSelf-service, support, documentation, communitySelf-service, support, documentation, communityBoth offer self-service options, support, and documentation.GitHub provides extensive documentation and a community for developers. GitLab offers a similar approach with self-service features, support, and an active community.Strong developer communities and self-service (both). DevOps support (GitLab).
Key ActivitiesCode hosting, feature development, supportDevOps platform development, code hosting, supportBoth involve code hosting, development, and support activities.GitHub focuses on code hosting, feature development, and developer support. GitLab’s key activities revolve around the development of its DevOps platform, code hosting, and providing support with a strong emphasis on CI/CD and security features.Developer-centric feature development (GitHub). DevOps platform development (GitLab).
Key ResourcesDeveloper community, platform infrastructureDevOps expertise, platform infrastructureBoth rely on their platform infrastructure.GitHub’s key resources include its vast developer community and the infrastructure to host code repositories. GitLab’s resources include expertise in DevOps practices and infrastructure for hosting code, CI/CD pipelines, and security features.Large developer community (GitHub). DevOps expertise (GitLab).
Key PartnershipsIntegration partners, open-source projectsIntegration partners, open-source projectsBoth collaborate with integration partners and support open-source projects.GitHub partners with various integrations and supports open-source projects through its platform. GitLab also collaborates with integration partners and offers support for open-source projects, with a strong focus on promoting DevOps practices within the open-source community.Support for open-source projects and integration partners (both). DevOps promotion (GitLab).
Revenue StreamsSubscription plans, enterprise licenses, servicesSubscription plans, enterprise licenses, servicesBoth generate revenue through subscription plans and services.GitHub offers subscription plans, enterprise licenses, and professional services. GitLab generates revenue through subscription plans, enterprise licenses, and services while focusing on its DevOps platform’s value proposition.Subscription-based revenue models and services (both). DevOps platform value proposition (GitLab).
Cost StructureInfrastructure costs, development, supportInfrastructure costs, development, supportBoth incur costs related to infrastructure, development, and support.GitHub’s cost structure includes expenses for maintaining infrastructure, development of features, and providing support to its developer community. GitLab’s cost structure encompasses infrastructure costs, feature development, and support for its DevOps platform, with a strong emphasis on CI/CD and security.Infrastructure and development costs (both). CI/CD and security focus (GitLab).

What are GitHub and GitLab?

GitHub is a collaborative code repository used to host and review code, build software, and manage projects. The platform was founded in 2008 by Tom Preston-Warner, PJ Hyett, and Chris Wanstrath. At last count, GitHub hosted more than 238 million repositories.

GitHub provides web-based hosting for software development and version control using Git, which facilitates collaborative source code development among programmers. GitHub was founded by Chris Wanstrath, P. J. Hyett, Tom Preston-Werner, and Scott Chacon in 2008. Microsoft acquired the company for $7.5 billion in 2018, and it was integrated as part of Microsoft’s enterprise offering. On top of its free repository, GitHub also offers plans for teams and enterprise customers. And the GitHub marketplace also monetizes on some of the apps developed on top of it.

GitLab is a similar repository manager allowing teams to collaborate on code, with the platform offering similar features for issue tracking and project management. GitLab was founded by Dmitriy Zaporozhets and Valery Sizov in 2011 and is used by enterprises such as IBM, Sony, and NASA.

GitLab was created in 2013 by Ukrainian developers Dmitriy Zaporozhets, Valery Sizov, and Sytse Sijbrandij as a source code management solution for collaborative software teams. GitLab is a web-based, open-source DevOps tool providing issue-tracking and continuous integration and deployment pipeline features. It makes money via its main two paid plans (Premium & Ultimate) and via its subscription add-ons.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the key similarities and differences between the two platforms.

Key similarities between GitHub and GitLab

Let’s start by describing some of the similarities.

Version control and Git functionality

The Git functionality and basic commands are more or less the same between GitHub and GitLab. Specifically:

Branch – users can create an independent development line using the brand command. This may be a developed version, a minor feature, or the master branch.

Fork – a fork is a copy of a specific code repository available for any developer to experiment with. It does not matter if they are an external contributor.

In software engineering, a fork consists of a “split” of a project, as developers take the source code to start independently developing on it. Software protocols (the set of rules underlying the software) usually fork as a group decision-making process. All developers have to agree on the new course and direction of the software protocol. A fork can be “soft” when an alteration to the software protocol keeps it backward compatible or “hard” where a divergence of the new chain is permanent. Forks are critical to the development and evolution of Blockchain protocols.

Pull/merge – these describe submissions of suggested code to an edited branch. A senior developer or QA team will test the code and approved changes are automatically integrated into the relevant branch. A pull request in GitHub is called a merge request in GitLab.

Collaboration and code management

Both platforms incorporate built-in code review and collaborative tools as part of their free versions. Users can, as an example, view and discuss pull requests in real-time and view a complete overview of code differences.

Both platforms also offer project management tools. In GitLab, users can create logical issue hierarchies and assign different developers to various branches. Similar functionality is offered in GitHub with issue categorization, milestone and productivity tracking, and various reports and charts. 

Business model, plans, and support

At the time of writing, both platforms work under a freemium business model. Users on a free plan get access to unlimited public and private repositories. However, access to advanced security, compliance, and management features is restricted to paid plans. 

In comparing the plans offered by GitLab and GitHub, there exist no appreciable differences in the level of support offered. The same can also be said for features. But in limited situations, GitHub users may need to use an app or third-party integration to get the same level of functionality as a GitLab user. We will revisit this difference in the next section.

Worth mentioning that back in 2018, Microsoft acquired GitHub for over $7 billion. For some context. For Microsoft in 2021, Enterprise Services revenue increased $534 million or 8% driven by growth in Premier Support Services.

One example is how Microsoft’s GitHub monetizes through premium/enterprise support


Through what they call premium perks: 


A great example of support plans for enterprise products with a freemium/open-source model:


Key differences between GitHub and GitLab

Ultimately, key differences between the two platforms will be the driving force behind consumer purchasing decisions. 

With that in mind, consider the main differences between GitHub and GitLab below.

CI/CD Integration

GitLab has a dominant market share in CI/CD Integration, with GitHub only adding GitHub Actions in the latter stages of 2019. This point is perhaps the biggest difference in user experience between the two platforms. 

GitLab CI lets users build, stage, and deploy code automatically using a DevOps workflow. There is no need to rely on manual updates or custom-build integrations.

Those with limited experience in CI/CD pipelines enjoy GitLab’s integrated tool because it requires very little setup. GitLab CI/CD also features built-in security scanning and collaboration and offers an integrated container registry. 

These features are not available in the competing GitHub product, with developers instead forced to work with a third-party tool such as TravisCI.

Community aspect

GitHub has been in operation for longer than GitLab, so its users tend to be far more proficient in the platform.

With a larger, open-source community, GitHub offers a diverse range of repositories that are unmatched elsewhere. There are also millions of active users on the platform actively working to solve problems and share ideas. 


While most of the underlying technology and features are basically identical, the recommended workflow across GitHub and GitLab differ substantially. 

GitHub advocates speed with a feature-focused development approach to merge new branches with the master branch. This makes it ideal for Agile projects. GitHub’s business model is primarily open-source-based.

Open source is licensed and usually developed and maintained by a community of independent developers. While the freemium is developed in-house. Thus the freemium give the company that developed it, full control over its distribution. In an open-source model, the for-profit company has to distribute its premium version per its open-source licensing model.

GitLab, on the other hand, advocates reliability. Users can create multiple stable branches beyond the master in production and pre-production. Organizations with a dedicated quality assurance team favor this approach because it lets their R&D teams work on new features without the hassle of testing every single code change. GitLab business model can be defined as an open core, as it prioritizes project management effectiveness.

While the term has been coined by Andrew Lampitt, open-core is an evolution of open-source. Where a core part of the software/platform is offered for free, while on top of it are built premium features or add-ons, which get monetized by the corporation who developed the software/platform. An example of the GitLab open core model, where the hosted service is free and open, while the software is closed.

Key takeaways:

  • Both GitLab and GitHub are code development platforms with a core focus on the open-source Git system. Both platforms have basically the same functionality and version control. Both also incorporate built-in code review and collaborative tools as part of their free versions.
  • Free users on both platforms get access to unlimited public and private repositories. Access to advanced security, compliance, and management features is restricted to multiple, paid individual and enterprise solutions.
  • Key differences between GitLab and GitHub include the degree of CI/CD integration, with GitLab users able to avoid manual updates and sometimes clunky custom builds. However, GitHub’s pedigree as an open-source developer platform means it has a stronger and more collaborative community.

Key Highlights

Key Similarities:

  • Version Control and Git Functionality: Both GitHub and GitLab use Git for version control, and their basic commands, such as branching and forking, are similar.
  • Collaboration and Code Management: Both platforms offer built-in code review and collaboration tools, along with project management features like issue tracking and milestone tracking.
  • Business Model and Plans: Both platforms operate under a freemium business model, offering both free and paid plans. Paid plans provide access to advanced features, security, and compliance.

Key Differences:

  • CI/CD Integration: GitLab has a stronger market share in CI/CD integration, providing an integrated tool for automated building, staging, and deployment. GitHub introduced GitHub Actions later, and developers often need to rely on third-party tools for similar functionality.
  • Community Aspect: GitHub has a larger and more mature open-source community, offering a wide range of repositories and active users, making it attractive for collaboration and problem-solving.
  • Workflow: GitHub emphasizes speed with a feature-focused development approach, while GitLab emphasizes reliability, allowing multiple stable branches beyond the master for better quality assurance.
  • Business Model and Monetization: GitHub’s primary monetization comes from its open-source-based business model. GitLab follows an open-core model, offering core functionalities for free and monetizing premium features or add-ons.

Read Next: GitHub Business Model, GitLab Business Model, Open-Source Business Model, Open Core Business Model.

Related To GitLab

GitLab Revenue

Most of GitLab revenue came from subscription self-managed and SaaS.

GitLab Net Losses

GitLab Net Loss
GitLab is not profitable as it reported a net loss of $172.31 million in 2023, compared to $155.14 million in net losses for 2022, and $192.19 million in 2021.

GitLab $100,000 ARR Customers

GitLab $100,000 ARR customers
GitLab had 697 $100,000 ARR Customers (Enterprise) in 2023, compared to 492 in 2022, and 283 in 2021.

GitLab $1 Million ARR Customers

GitLab $1.0 Million ARR customers
GitLab had 63 $1.0 Million ARR Customers in 2023, compared to 39 in 2022, and 20 in 2021.

GitLab Open-Source Contributors

GitLab Open-Source Contributors
GitLab had 3,500 open source contributors in 2023, compared to 2,900 in 2022, and 2,600 in 2021.

GitLab Remote Workforce

GitLab Remote Workforce
GitLab is a fully remote company with a workforce of 2,170 people in 2023, compared to 1,630 people in 2022, and 1,350 people in 2021.

Connected Business Model Types And Frameworks

What’s A Business Model

An effective business model has to focus on two dimensions: the people dimension and the financial dimension. The people dimension will allow you to build a product or service that is 10X better than existing ones and a solid brand. The financial dimension will help you develop proper distribution channels by identifying the people that are willing to pay for your product or service and make it financially sustainable in the long run.

Business Model Innovation

Business model innovation is about increasing the success of an organization with existing products and technologies by crafting a compelling value proposition able to propel a new business model to scale up customers and create a lasting competitive advantage. And it all starts by mastering the key customers.

Level of Digitalization

Digital and tech business models can be classified according to four levels of transformation into digitally-enabled, digitally-enhanced, tech or platform business models, and business platforms/ecosystems.

Digital Business Model

A digital business model might be defined as a model that leverages digital technologies to improve several aspects of an organization. From how the company acquires customers, to what product/service it provides. A digital business model is such when digital technology helps enhance its value proposition.

Tech Business Model

A tech business model is made of four main components: value model (value propositions, mission, vision), technological model (R&D management), distribution model (sales and marketing organizational structure), and financial model (revenue modeling, cost structure, profitability and cash generation/management). Those elements coming together can serve as the basis to build a solid tech business model.

Platform Business Model

A platform business model generates value by enabling interactions between people, groups, and users by leveraging network effects. Platform business models usually comprise two sides: supply and demand. Kicking off the interactions between those two sides is one of the crucial elements for a platform business model success.

AI Business Model


Blockchain Business Model

A Blockchain Business Model is made of four main components: Value Model (Core Philosophy, Core Value and Value Propositions for the key stakeholders), Blockchain Model (Protocol Rules, Network Shape and Applications Layer/Ecosystem), Distribution Model (the key channels amplifying the protocol and its communities), and the Economic Model (the dynamics through which protocol players make money). Those elements coming together can serve as the basis to build and analyze a solid Blockchain Business Model.

Asymmetric Business Models

In an asymmetric business model, the organization doesn’t monetize the user directly, but it leverages the data users provide coupled with technology, thus have a key customer pay to sustain the core asset. For example, Google makes money by leveraging users’ data, combined with its algorithms sold to advertisers for visibility.

Attention Merchant Business Model

In an asymmetric business model, the organization doesn’t monetize the user directly, but it leverages the data users provide coupled with technology, thus having a key customer pay to sustain the core asset. For example, Google makes money by leveraging users’ data, combined with its algorithms sold to advertisers for visibility. This is how attention merchants make monetize their business models.

Open-Core Business Model

While the term has been coined by Andrew Lampitt, open-core is an evolution of open-source. Where a core part of the software/platform is offered for free, while on top of it are built premium features or add-ons, which get monetized by the corporation who developed the software/platform. An example of the GitLab open core model, where the hosted service is free and open, while the software is closed.

Cloud Business Models

Cloud business models are all built on top of cloud computing, a concept that took over around 2006 when former Google’s CEO Eric Schmit mentioned it. Most cloud-based business models can be classified as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), or SaaS (Software as a Service). While those models are primarily monetized via subscriptions, they are monetized via pay-as-you-go revenue models and hybrid models (subscriptions + pay-as-you-go).

Open Source Business Model

Open source is licensed and usually developed and maintained by a community of independent developers. While the freemium is developed in-house. Thus the freemium give the company that developed it, full control over its distribution. In an open-source model, the for-profit company has to distribute its premium version per its open-source licensing model.

Freemium Business Model

The freemium – unless the whole organization is aligned around it – is a growth strategy rather than a business model. A free service is provided to a majority of users, while a small percentage of those users convert into paying customers through the sales funnel. Free users will help spread the brand through word of mouth.

Freeterprise Business Model

A freeterprise is a combination of free and enterprise where free professional accounts are driven into the funnel through the free product. As the opportunity is identified the company assigns the free account to a salesperson within the organization (inside sales or fields sales) to convert that into a B2B/enterprise account.

Marketplace Business Models

A marketplace is a platform where buyers and sellers interact and transact. The platform acts as a marketplace that will generate revenues in fees from one or all the parties involved in the transaction. Usually, marketplaces can be classified in several ways, like those selling services vs. products or those connecting buyers and sellers at B2B, B2C, or C2C level. And those marketplaces connecting two core players, or more.

B2B vs B2C Business Model

B2B, which stands for business-to-business, is a process for selling products or services to other businesses. On the other hand, a B2C sells directly to its consumers.

B2B2C Business Model

A B2B2C is a particular kind of business model where a company, rather than accessing the consumer market directly, it does that via another business. Yet the final consumers will recognize the brand or the service provided by the B2B2C. The company offering the service might gain direct access to consumers over time.

D2C Business Model

Direct-to-consumer (D2C) is a business model where companies sell their products directly to the consumer without the assistance of a third-party wholesaler or retailer. In this way, the company can cut through intermediaries and increase its margins. However, to be successful the direct-to-consumers company needs to build its own distribution, which in the short term can be more expensive. Yet in the long-term creates a competitive advantage.

C2C Business Model

The C2C business model describes a market environment where one customer purchases from another on a third-party platform that may also handle the transaction. Under the C2C model, both the seller and the buyer are considered consumers. Customer to customer (C2C) is, therefore, a business model where consumers buy and sell directly between themselves. Consumer-to-consumer has become a prevalent business model especially as the web helped disintermediate various industries.

Retail Business Model

A retail business model follows a direct-to-consumer approach, also called B2C, where the company sells directly to final customers a processed/finished product. This implies a business model that is mostly local-based, it carries higher margins, but also higher costs and distribution risks.

Wholesale Business Model

The wholesale model is a selling model where wholesalers sell their products in bulk to a retailer at a discounted price. The retailer then on-sells the products to consumers at a higher price. In the wholesale model, a wholesaler sells products in bulk to retail outlets for onward sale. Occasionally, the wholesaler sells direct to the consumer, with supermarket giant Costco the most obvious example.

Crowdsourcing Business Model

The term “crowdsourcing” was first coined by Wired Magazine editor Jeff Howe in a 2006 article titled Rise of Crowdsourcing. Though the practice has existed in some form or another for centuries, it rose to prominence when eCommerce, social media, and smartphone culture began to emerge. Crowdsourcing is the act of obtaining knowledge, goods, services, or opinions from a group of people. These people submit information via social media, smartphone apps, or dedicated crowdsourcing platforms.

Franchising Business Model

In a franchained business model (a short-term chain, long-term franchise) model, the company deliberately launched its operations by keeping tight ownership on the main assets, while those are established, thus choosing a chain model. Once operations are running and established, the company divests its ownership and opts instead for a franchising model.

Brokerage Business Model

Businesses employing the brokerage business model make money via brokerage services. This means they are involved with the facilitation, negotiation, or arbitration of a transaction between a buyer and a seller. The brokerage business model involves a business connecting buyers with sellers to collect a commission on the resultant transaction. Therefore, acting as a middleman within a transaction.

Dropshipping Business Model

Dropshipping is a retail business model where the dropshipper externalizes the manufacturing and logistics and focuses only on distribution and customer acquisition. Therefore, the dropshipper collects final customers’ sales orders, sending them over to third-party suppliers, who ship directly to those customers. In this way, through dropshipping, it is possible to run a business without operational costs and logistics management.

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