
TDODAR Decision Model In A Nutshell

  • The TDODAR decision model facilitates good decision making in emergencies or similar high-stress, time-sensitive situations.
  • The TDODAR decision model is based on a sequential six-step process that defines the TDODAR acronym: time, diagnosis, options, decide, act, and review.
  • Using the TDODAR decision model effectively means ensuring the problem has a high degree of associated uncertainty. Decision teams should also be concise and avoid subjectivity creeping into discussions.
TDODAR Decision Model ElementDescriptionImplicationsKey CharacteristicsExamplesApplications
TimeTime refers to the element of decision-making related to the urgency or time constraints involved.– Identifies the available time for making a decision and taking action.– Immediate, short-term, or long-term timeframes for decisions.– Emergency situations requiring rapid responses. – Project planning and scheduling decisions.– Crisis Management: Assess the time sensitivity of decisions to prioritize and respond to urgent situations. – Project Management: Allocate time effectively for decision-making in project planning and execution.
DistanceDistance involves assessing the spatial aspects that impact decision-making.– Considers the physical distance or proximity of objects, locations, or resources.– Close proximity, remote locations, or geographical factors.– Logistics decisions for transportation routes. – Facility location planning for a new business.– Supply Chain Optimization: Optimize transportation routes based on distance considerations. – Site Selection: Choose optimal locations for facilities based on proximity to resources and markets.
OrientationOrientation relates to the directional or positional aspects of decision parameters.– Determines the relative positioning or alignment of objects or entities.– North, south, east, west, angles, and relative positions.– Navigation decisions for ships or aircraft. – Surveying and land development decisions.– Navigation and Wayfinding: Calculate orientation and angles for navigation and directional decisions. – Land Planning and Surveying: Use orientation data for land use and development planning.
DecisionDecision focuses on the cognitive process of making choices or selecting a course of action.– Involves identifying alternatives, evaluating options, and making informed choices.– Analytical, intuitive, or collaborative decision-making.– Business strategy decisions involving market entry. – Personal career decisions regarding job offers.– Strategic Decision-Making: Assess available options and analyze decision impacts for long-term strategies. – Career Planning: Evaluate job offers and make decisions aligned with personal goals and values.
Action ReviewAction Review pertains to the post-decision phase, involving the evaluation and review of actions taken.– Assesses the outcomes, consequences, and effectiveness of the decision and actions.– Monitoring, feedback, and performance evaluation.– Post-project review to assess project success and lessons learned. – Performance review after implementing a new marketing strategy.– Performance Evaluation: Analyze the results of decisions and actions to refine strategies and improve outcomes. – Project Evaluation: Review project performance and identify areas for improvement in future projects.

The TDODAR decision model helps an individual make good decisions in emergencies or any scenario with a high degree of uncertainty. TDODAR is an acronym of the six sequential steps that every practitioner must follow, comprising: time, diagnosis, options, decide, act/assign, review.

Understanding the TDODAR decision model

The TDODAR decision model is traditionally associated with the aviation industry. 

During a flight, pilots are required to make informed decisions in what is a very high-stakes environment. But decision making can be influenced by many factors, including stress, spatial disorientation, or simply a lack of experience or knowledge. Pilots use the methodical nature of the TDODAR model to consider all options before ultimately deciding on a course of action.

The model also has applications in most other industries, particularly if a clear plan of action is not immediately apparent. This helps businesses avoid making rushed or incorrect decisions that are not in their best interests.

The TDODAR decision model process

TDODAR is an acronym of the six sequential steps that every practitioner must follow.

Following is a look at each of the steps:

  1. T (Time) – how much time is available to make the decision? It’s important to be thorough on this initial step because it will affect how the following steps are performed. Every person who is involved in a decision should be aware of time constraints.
  2. D (Diagnosis) – to accurately diagnose the problem and its causes, gather data, and consult a wide range of relevant expertise. The 5 Whys technique can be used for moderately difficult problems. For complex problems, try the Cause and Effect Analysis. Avoid confirmation bias and be on the lookout for groupthink, where people in a group choose not to voice their concerns to facilitate group consensus.
  3. O (Options) – in terms of solving the problem, what are the options? Some options are more feasible and intuitive than others. But when a solution is not immediately apparent, it is helpful to brainstorm ideas.
  4. D (Decide) – given the information gleaned in the first three steps, a senior individual must make the most sensible decision. In high-pressure situations, it is wise to include others in the decision-making process to avoid judgment errors and biases.
  5. A (Act/Assign) – who will act on the solution? Once this has been determined, roles and responsibilities must be assigned. During a commercial flight, the pilot and first-officer share responsibilities but have clearly defined roles. In a business scenario, a decision-maker may act on the solution or delegate responsibility to subordinates.
  6. R (Review) – in the final step, the efficacy of the solution must be analyzed. Has it solved the problem? Have the desired results materialized? If the problem becomes recurrent or worsens over time then decision-makers must reassess previously discarded solutions. In some cases, they may have to perform a new TDODAR analysis.

TDODAR decision model best practices

Use these best practices to get the most out of the TDODAR decision model:

  • Consider whether the problem has a high level of uncertainty or time pressure before beginning. If the problem cannot satisfy either of these criteria, then the effectiveness of the model is limited.
  • Run through each step sequentially – resist the urge to complete more than one at a time.
  • Be concise when stating thoughts and facts, particularly if time is at a premium.
  • Collaboration with others can be beneficial if there is time to do so. The discussion should always remain objective and free of emotion or personal agendas. If there is a disagreement on the choice of solution, move forward with the most conservative option.

Case Studies

Walmart – Supply Chain Disruption

Time: During the COVID-19 pandemic, Walmart faced a sudden surge in demand for essential goods as customers stocked up on groceries and household supplies. The company needed to respond swiftly to ensure the availability of products while adapting to changing market conditions and supply chain disruptions.

Diagnose: Walmart’s supply chain management team analyzed data from suppliers, distribution centers, and stores to assess the impact of increased demand and supply chain disruptions on inventory levels and product availability. They identified critical items in high demand and potential bottlenecks in the supply chain, such as shortages of certain products or delays in transportation.

Options: Based on the diagnosis of the supply chain challenges, Walmart considered various options to address the disruptions and meet customer demand. These options included prioritizing the replenishment of essential items, reallocating inventory from less affected regions to high-demand areas, and collaborating with suppliers to ramp up production and expedite deliveries.

Decide: After evaluating the available options and considering factors such as customer needs, operational constraints, and financial implications, Walmart’s leadership made decisions on the most effective strategies to maintain product availability and customer satisfaction. They prioritized actions that ensured the timely replenishment of essential goods and minimized disruptions in the supply chain.

Act: With decisions made, Walmart implemented the chosen strategies promptly and efficiently. The company’s supply chain team worked closely with suppliers, logistics partners, and store managers to execute replenishment plans, expedite deliveries, and optimize inventory management processes. Walmart also communicated transparently with customers about product availability, store hours, and safety protocols to address their needs and concerns during the pandemic.

Microsoft – Cybersecurity Incident Response

Time: Microsoft’s cybersecurity team detected a sophisticated cyberattack targeting its network infrastructure and customer data. The company needed to respond quickly to contain the threat, mitigate potential damage, and protect its systems, services, and reputation.

Diagnose: Microsoft’s cybersecurity experts conducted a comprehensive analysis of the cyberattack, including its origin, tactics, and impact on the company’s networks and data assets. They identified the vulnerabilities exploited by the attackers, the extent of the breach, and potential risks to customer privacy and data security.

Options: Based on the diagnosis of the cybersecurity incident, Microsoft explored various options to respond effectively and strengthen its defenses against future attacks. These options included isolating compromised systems, deploying security patches and updates, enhancing network monitoring and threat detection capabilities, and collaborating with law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity partners for investigation and remediation.

Decide: After evaluating the available options and weighing factors such as data protection, regulatory compliance, and stakeholder trust, Microsoft’s leadership made decisions on the most appropriate cybersecurity response strategy. They prioritized actions that minimized data exposure, restored system integrity, and mitigated the impact of the cyberattack on customers and partners.

Act: With decisions made, Microsoft implemented the chosen cybersecurity measures promptly and rigorously. The company’s cybersecurity team worked around the clock to execute response activities such as system patches, malware removal, and incident containment. Microsoft also communicated transparently with customers, regulators, and the public about the cyberattack, its impact, and the company’s response efforts to maintain trust and confidence in its products and services.

Key takeaways:

  • Overview of TDODAR:
    • TDODAR is a decision-making model used in high-stress or uncertain situations, originating from the aviation industry.
    • It stands for Time, Diagnosis, Options, Decide, Act/Assign, and Review, representing the sequential steps to follow.
  • Applicability Beyond Aviation:
    • While rooted in aviation, the TDODAR model is applicable in various industries where quick and informed decisions are crucial.
    • It helps prevent rushed or incorrect decisions by providing a systematic approach.
  • Steps of the TDODAR Model:
    • Time (T): Evaluate the available time to make the decision, as it impacts the subsequent steps.
    • Diagnosis (D): Gather data, consult experts, and accurately diagnose the problem’s causes.
    • Options (O): Generate potential solutions or options to address the problem.
    • Decide (D): A senior individual evaluates the gathered information and makes a sound decision, potentially involving others to mitigate biases.
    • Act/Assign (A): Determine who will implement the chosen solution and assign roles and responsibilities.
    • Review (R): Analyze the effectiveness of the solution, assess its impact, and consider recurring or worsening problems.
  • Best Practices for TDODAR:
    • High Uncertainty or Time Pressure: Apply TDODAR when facing situations with significant uncertainty or time constraints.
    • Sequential Process: Follow the steps sequentially and avoid completing multiple steps simultaneously.
    • Concise Communication: Be concise when conveying thoughts and facts, especially in time-sensitive scenarios.
    • Collaboration and Objectivity: Collaborate with others when time allows, ensuring discussions are objective and devoid of personal biases.
    • Conservative Approach: In disagreements, opt for the most conservative solution to ensure effective action.
  • Key Takeaways:
    • TDODAR aids decision making in high-stress or uncertain scenarios.
    • The model follows a structured six-step process: Time, Diagnosis, Options, Decide, Act/Assign, and Review.
    • Effective TDODAR use involves evaluating uncertainty, maintaining objectivity, and employing collaboration when possible.
Comparison’s TableTDODAR Decision ModelOODA LoopPDCA Cycle
TypeDecision-making framework emphasizing situational awareness, real-time assessment, and timely action in dynamic environments.Decision-making and action-oriented loop emphasizing observation, orientation, decision, and action to adapt to changing situations.Continuous improvement framework focusing on planning, execution, evaluation, and adjustment to enhance processes and outcomes.
PurposeTo facilitate rapid decision-making and response to unfolding situations or emergencies by providing a structured process for assessment and action.To enable individuals or organizations to observe, orient, decide, and act quickly and effectively in dynamic, uncertain environments to gain a competitive advantage.To support continuous improvement and problem-solving by iteratively planning, executing, checking results, and adjusting strategies or processes as needed.
Key Components– Time-sensitive assessment: Participants assess the situation in real-time, considering threats, opportunities, and available resources. – Decision-making: Decisions are made promptly based on the assessment of the situation and the desired outcomes. – Orientation: Participants maintain situational awareness, understanding the context and implications of their decisions. – Action: Timely actions are taken to implement decisions and respond to the situation effectively. – Review: The effectiveness of decisions and actions is reviewed to learn from the experience and improve future responses.– Observation: Individuals or organizations continuously gather information about their environment, including threats, opportunities, and changes. – Orientation: Observations are processed and analyzed to understand the implications and make informed decisions. – Decision: Decisions are made based on the analysis of the situation and the desired outcomes. – Action: Prompt actions are taken to implement decisions and adapt to changing circumstances.– Plan: Identify goals, objectives, and strategies to address a specific problem or improve a process. – Do: Execute the plan by implementing the chosen strategies and actions. – Check: Evaluate the results and outcomes of the implemented strategies to determine their effectiveness. – Act: Adjust the plan or process based on the evaluation findings to improve performance and achieve better results.
ApplicationUtilized in emergency response, crisis management, or military operations to make quick decisions and respond effectively to changing conditions or threats.Applied in military operations, aviation, business strategy, and competitive sports to gain a competitive advantage through rapid decision-making and adaptability.Employed in quality management, process improvement, project management, and organizational development to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and performance through iterative evaluation and adjustment.
FocusFocuses on real-time assessment, rapid decision-making, and timely action to address immediate challenges or opportunities in dynamic environments.Focuses on continuous observation, analysis, decision-making, and action to maintain situational awareness and adaptability in complex and uncertain situations.Focuses on iterative planning, execution, evaluation, and adjustment to improve processes, outcomes, and performance over time.
Benefits– Facilitates rapid decision-making and response to unfolding situations or emergencies, minimizing delays and maximizing effectiveness. – Enhances situational awareness and adaptability by promoting real-time assessment and timely action. – Supports learning and improvement through post-event review and analysis.– Promotes agility and responsiveness in dynamic environments, enabling individuals or organizations to anticipate and adapt to changes effectively. – Enhances decision-making quality and speed by emphasizing continuous observation, analysis, and action. – Fosters a culture of learning and innovation through iterative learning loops.– Drives continuous improvement and innovation by systematically evaluating processes, identifying areas for enhancement, and implementing corrective actions. – Enhances organizational efficiency and effectiveness by aligning activities with strategic goals and objectives. – Cultivates a culture of learning, collaboration, and adaptability by encouraging reflection, experimentation, and adjustment.

Connected Decision-Making Frameworks


Simon’s satisficing strategy is a decision-making technique where the individual considers various solutions until they find an acceptable option. Satisficing is a portmanteau combining sufficing and satisfying and was created by psychologist Herbert A. Simon. He argued that many individuals make decisions with a satisfactory (and not optimal) solution. Satisfactory decisions are preferred because they achieve an acceptable result and avoid the resource-intensive search for something more optimal.

RAPID Framework

The RAPID framework is a tool used to help businesses make important decisions. The RAPID framework was developed by global consultancy firm Bain & Company, which noted that “high-quality decision making and strong performance go hand in hand.”

Foursquare Protocol

The Foursquare Protocol is an ethical decision-making model. The Foursquare Protocol helps businesses respond to challenging situations by making decisions according to a code of ethics. It can also be used to help individuals make decisions in the context of their own moral principles. It consists of four steps: gather the facts, understand previous decisions, assess the degree of similarity to past events, and assess yourself.

DACI Decision-Making

The DACI Decision-Making Framework was developed by software company Intuit in the 1980s. The DACI Decision-Making Framework assigns and then displays the responsibilities of the individual when making decision. DACI stands for driver, approver, contributor, and informed.

Lightning Decision Jam

The Lightning Decision Jam
The Lightning Decision Jam (LDJ) is a means of making fast decisions that provide quick direction. The Lightning Decision Jam was developed by design agency AJ&Smart in response to the inefficiency of business meetings. Borrowing ideas from the core principles of design sprints, AJ&Smart created the Lightning Decision Jam.

Multi-Criteria Analysis

The multi-criteria analysis provides a systematic approach for ranking adaptation options against multiple decision criteria. These criteria are weighted to reflect their importance relative to other criteria. A multi-criteria analysis (MCA) is a decision-making framework suited to solving problems with many alternative courses of action.

Cynefin Framework

The Cynefin Framework gives context to decision making and problem-solving by providing context and guiding an appropriate response. The five domains of the Cynefin Framework comprise obvious, complicated, complex, chaotic domains and disorder if a domain has not been determined at all.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT Analysis is a framework used for evaluating the business’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It can aid in identifying the problematic areas of your business so that you can maximize your opportunities. It will also alert you to the challenges your organization might face in the future.

Personal SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis is commonly used as a strategic planning tool in business. However, it is also well suited for personal use in addressing a specific goal or problem. A personal SWOT analysis helps individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Pareto Analysis

The Pareto Analysis is a statistical analysis used in business decision making that identifies a certain number of input factors that have the greatest impact on income. It is based on the similarly named Pareto Principle, which states that 80% of the effect of something can be attributed to just 20% of the drivers.

Failure Mode And Effects Analysis

A failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is a structured approach to identifying design failures in a product or process. Developed in the 1950s, the failure mode and effects analysis is one the earliest methodologies of its kind. It enables organizations to anticipate a range of potential failures during the design stage.

Blindspot Analysis

A Blindspot Analysis is a means of unearthing incorrect or outdated assumptions that can harm decision making in an organization. The term “blindspot analysis” was first coined by American economist Michael Porter. Porter argued that in business, outdated ideas or strategies had the potential to stifle modern ideas and prevent them from succeeding. Furthermore, decisions a business thought were made with care caused projects to fail because major factors had not been duly considered.

Comparable Company Analysis

A comparable company analysis is a process that enables the identification of similar organizations to be used as a comparison to understand the business and financial performance of the target company. To find comparables you can look at two key profiles: the business and financial profile. From the comparable company analysis it is possible to understand the competitive landscape of the target organization.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

A cost-benefit analysis is a process a business can use to analyze decisions according to the costs associated with making that decision. For a cost analysis to be effective it’s important to articulate the project in the simplest terms possible, identify the costs, determine the benefits of project implementation, assess the alternatives.

Agile Business Analysis

Agile Business Analysis (AgileBA) is certification in the form of guidance and training for business analysts seeking to work in agile environments. To support this shift, AgileBA also helps the business analyst relate Agile projects to a wider organizational mission or strategy. To ensure that analysts have the necessary skills and expertise, AgileBA certification was developed.

SOAR Analysis

A SOAR analysis is a technique that helps businesses at a strategic planning level to: Focus on what they are doing right. Determine which skills could be enhanced. Understand the desires and motivations of their stakeholders.

STEEPLE Analysis

The STEEPLE analysis is a variation of the STEEP analysis. Where the step analysis comprises socio-cultural, technological, economic, environmental/ecological, and political factors as the base of the analysis. The STEEPLE analysis adds other two factors such as Legal and Ethical.

Pestel Analysis

The PESTEL analysis is a framework that can help marketers assess whether macro-economic factors are affecting an organization. This is a critical step that helps organizations identify potential threats and weaknesses that can be used in other frameworks such as SWOT or to gain a broader and better understanding of the overall marketing environment.

DESTEP Analysis

A DESTEP analysis is a framework used by businesses to understand their external environment and the issues which may impact them. The DESTEP analysis is an extension of the popular PEST analysis created by Harvard Business School professor Francis J. Aguilar. The DESTEP analysis groups external factors into six categories: demographic, economic, socio-cultural, technological, ecological, and political.

Paired Comparison Analysis

A paired comparison analysis is used to rate or rank options where evaluation criteria are subjective by nature. The analysis is particularly useful when there is a lack of clear priorities or objective data to base decisions on. A paired comparison analysis evaluates a range of options by comparing them against each other.

Hickam’s Dictum

Hickam’s dictum is the counterargument to Occam’s razor. Whereas Occam’s razor is a heuristic that tends to narrow down decision-making to the simplest variables, Hickam’s dictum believes a situation must be tackled by looking at multiple variables.

Occam’s Razor

Occam’s Razor states that one should not increase (beyond reason) the number of entities required to explain anything. All things being equal, the simplest solution is often the best one. The principle is attributed to 14th-century English theologian William of Ockham.

Occam’s Broom

Occam’s broom was first proposed by South African microbiologist Sidney Brenner who proposed that inconvenient facts that do not fit into someone’s hypothesis or serve their agenda are swept aside or hidden. Occam’s broom is a principle stating that inconvenient facts are hidden or obscured to draw important conclusions or argue points.

Outcome Bias

Outcome bias describes a tendency to evaluate a decision based on its outcome and not on the process by which the decision was reached. In other words, the quality of a decision is only determined once the outcome is known. Outcome bias occurs when a decision is based on the outcome of previous events without regard for how those events developed.

Principle-Agent Problem

The theory behind the principle-agent problem was developed by Harvard Business School Professor Michael Jensen and economist and management professor William H. Meckling. The principle-agent problem describes a conflict in priorities between a person or group and the representative authorized to make decisions on their behalf.

TDODAR Decision Model

The TDODAR decision model helps an individual make good decisions in emergencies or any scenario with a high degree of uncertainty. TDODAR is an acronym of the six sequential steps that every practitioner must follow, comprising: time, diagnosis, options, decide, act/assign, review.

Mendelow Stakeholder Matrix

The Mendelow stakeholder matrix is a framework used to analyze stakeholder attitudes and expectations and their potential impact on business decisions.

Foursquare Protocol

The Foursquare Protocol is an ethical decision-making model. The Foursquare Protocol helps businesses respond to challenging situations by making decisions according to a code of ethics. It can also be used to help individuals make decisions in the context of their own moral principles. It consists of four steps: gather the facts, understand previous decisions, assess the degree of similarity to past events, and assess yourself.

Go/No-Go Decision Making

In general, terms, go/no-go decision making is a process of passing or failing a proposition. Each proposition is assessed according to criteria that determine whether a project advances to the next stage. The outcome of the go/no-go decision making is to assess whether to go or not to go with a project, or perhaps proceed with caveats.


The OODA loop was popularized by U.S. Air Force fighter pilot Colonel John Boyd to describe maneuver warfare during the Korean War. The OODA loop is a four-step approach to decision making where strategies must be adjusted quickly. Those four steps comprise observe, orient, decide, and act.

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