
Circle of Influence In A Nutshell

The circle of influence is a concept that was first introduced by author, educator, and businessman Stephen Covey. To explain the concept, it is best to mention the circle of influence in the context of the three circles Covey created: the circle of concern, the circle of influence, and the circle of control. The circle of influence is these things on which we can do something about and we have some degree of control over.

Concept OverviewThe Circle of Influence is a concept developed by author and motivational speaker Stephen R. Covey in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” It refers to the idea that individuals have control over certain aspects of their lives, which is represented by their “Circle of Influence,” while other aspects fall outside their control, represented by the “Circle of Concern.” The concept encourages people to focus their time and energy on what they can control and influence, leading to greater personal effectiveness and reduced stress.
Key ComponentsThe concept comprises two main components:
1. Circle of Influence: This inner circle represents things over which individuals have control or can directly influence. It includes personal actions, choices, attitudes, behaviors, and decisions.
2. Circle of Concern: The outer circle encompasses things individuals care about but cannot control, such as external events, other people’s actions, and global issues. It includes elements like the economy, weather, or the behavior of colleagues and acquaintances.
Proactive vs. ReactiveCovey’s philosophy encourages a proactive approach, where individuals focus their time and energy on their Circle of Influence. This proactive mindset empowers people to take responsibility for their actions and responses, leading to personal growth and effectiveness. In contrast, a reactive mindset involves being preoccupied with the Circle of Concern, which can lead to feelings of helplessness and frustration.
ApplicationsThe Circle of Influence concept finds application in various aspects of life:
1. Personal Development: Individuals use it to identify areas of personal growth and take control of their habits and behaviors.
2. Time Management: It helps people allocate their time and resources more effectively by prioritizing tasks and activities within their control.
3. Conflict Resolution: It encourages conflict resolution by focusing on aspects within one’s control, such as communication and attitude.
4. Leadership and Management: Leaders and managers use the concept to empower their teams and enhance their decision-making skills.
5. Stress Management: It aids in reducing stress by directing attention away from uncontrollable concerns.
BenefitsEmbracing the Circle of Influence offers several benefits:
1. Greater Control: It provides individuals with a sense of control over their lives and decisions.
2. Improved Decision Making: Focusing on the Circle of Influence leads to more thoughtful and effective decision making.
3. Personal Empowerment: It empowers individuals to take charge of their actions and responses.
4. Reduced Stress: By concentrating on what they can control, individuals can reduce stress related to uncontrollable external factors.
5. Enhanced Relationships: Better communication and understanding of personal boundaries can lead to improved relationships.
ChallengesChallenges in applying the Circle of Influence include the need for self-awareness to differentiate between the two circles, the temptation to worry about matters in the Circle of Concern, and the discipline to consistently focus on what can be controlled. Additionally, external factors may sometimes affect the Circle of Influence.

Understanding the circle of influence

For an individual, the circle of influence encompasses the things that concern them which they can also do something about.

  1. The circle of concern – the worries one has about a topic or situation. These tend to be related to health, finances, career, family, society, the weather, and the motivations or behaviors of others.
  2. The circle of influence – a smaller circle containing the worries one can either directly or indirectly do something about, and
  3. The circle of control – an even smaller circle with worries one can directly address. 

Most people understand on a theoretical level that to dwell in the circle of concern is counterintuitive. Covey noted that wasting time and energy on factors outside one’s control causes us to feel inadequate, helpless, stressed, reactive, and also to develop a victim mentality.

The better course of action is to focus on the circle of influence. Those who focus on that which they can control are proactive instead of reactive and tend to experience more happiness, satisfaction, and empowerment as a result.

What lies within the circle of influence?

The circle of influence will differ from one individual to the next. Indeed, the President of the United States can likely control more things than the average citizen. Nevertheless, anyone can increase the size of their circle of influence with a proactive mindset.

Suppose you are worried about the questions you’ll be tested on in an imminent job interview. You may have no influence or control over what the recruiter likes to assess, but you may know someone in your personal or professional network that does.

Here are some other ways employees can increase their circle of influence.

Ensure objectives are achievable 

This starts with breaking them down into smaller parts with contingencies in place to deal with unforeseen circumstances. If you don’t receive that promotion after three years, are you willing or able to remain at the company?

Irrespective of whether you leave or stay, remember that either choice is under your direct control. Whether you are promoted lies in your circle of concern and is, in most cases, not under your direct control

Question the validity of thoughts

Worries are a natural and sometimes healthy aspect of the thousands of thoughts that enter our minds each day. However, it is always good practice to question their validity to determine whether we can control or influence a situation:

  • How likely is it that the situation will materialize? 
  • What evidence confirms this?
  • How did you cope with a similar situation in the past?
  • Will you be worrying about the same thing in twelve months? If not, why not?

Consider other avenues

Whilst we can leverage our network to learn more about a job interview, we can also do the same to deal with problematic individuals in the workplace. Imagine you have an accusatory, controlling boss who is mostly unaware of their impact on subordinates.

Instead of remaining in the circle of concern, why not take a proactive approach and speak with a third-party who is skilled at conflict resolution or can share a different perspective? This is a better course of action than continually resisting your boss’s agenda, and you may just find that the quality of your relationship with them improves.

Key takeaways:

  • For an individual, the circle of influence encompasses the things that concern them which they can also do something about.
  • The circle of influence was first introduced by author, educator, and businessman Stephen Covey. Two other circles which provide context to the concept are the circle of concern and the circle of control.
  • Anyone can increase the size of their circle of influence with a proactive mindset. To do this, it is important to ensure objectives are achievable to avoid equating failure with a lack of control. Other best practices include questioning the validity of one’s worries and proactively considering other courses of action.

Key Highlights:

  • Circle of Influence Concept: The circle of influence is a concept introduced by Stephen Covey as part of a framework that includes the circle of concern and the circle of control. It focuses on things that concern an individual and over which they can exert some degree of control or influence.
  • Three Circles Explained:
    • Circle of Concern: Encompasses worries about various aspects of life, including health, career, family, society, weather, and others.
    • Circle of Influence: Contains worries that an individual can either directly or indirectly address and influence.
    • Circle of Control: The smallest circle, comprising worries that an individual can directly address and control.
  • Benefits of Focusing on Circle of Influence:
    • Focusing on the circle of influence fosters a proactive mindset, resulting in greater happiness, satisfaction, and empowerment.
    • Dwelling in the circle of concern can lead to feelings of helplessness, stress, reactivity, and victim mentality.
  • Expanding the Circle of Influence:
    • The circle of influence varies from person to person, but anyone can expand it with a proactive approach.
    • Breaking objectives into achievable parts and considering alternatives to cope with unforeseen situations can increase one’s circle of influence.
  • Questioning the Validity of Worries:
    • It’s important to assess the validity of worries by considering factors like likelihood of occurrence, evidence, past coping strategies, and long-term significance.
    • By doing so, individuals can discern whether a situation is worth focusing on within their circle of influence.
  • Exploring Alternative Approaches:
    • Instead of remaining in the circle of concern, proactive individuals can seek alternative solutions.
    • Leveraging networks for information, seeking conflict resolution, and gaining new perspectives can enhance one’s circle of influence.
  • Key Takeaways:
    • The circle of influence focuses on concerns that an individual can influence or control.
    • A proactive mindset and strategies such as setting achievable objectives, questioning worries, and seeking alternative solutions can expand the circle of influence.
    • Focusing on the circle of influence leads to empowerment and positive outcomes.

Case Studies

Case StudyDescriptionCircle of Influence
Steve Jobs and Apple Inc.Steve Jobs, as the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc., had a profound impact on the company’s product design and innovation. His vision for user-friendly technology influenced Apple’s product lines and the entire tech industry.Steve Jobs’ leadership and design philosophy formed a Circle of Influence that redefined consumer technology and inspired competitors and imitators.
Jeff Bezos and AmazonJeff Bezos, the founder and former CEO of Amazon, transformed the e-commerce and retail industry. His customer-centric approach and focus on innovation shaped Amazon’s business model and influenced the e-commerce landscape worldwide.Bezos’ leadership and Amazon’s success created a Circle of Influence that reshaped retail, logistics, and digital services, prompting businesses to adapt.
Warren Buffett and Berkshire HathawayWarren Buffett, known as one of the world’s most successful investors, led Berkshire Hathaway to become a major conglomerate. His investment strategies and value-oriented approach influenced investment decisions for individuals and institutions globally.Buffett’s investment philosophy formed a Circle of Influence that continues to guide value investors and shape the broader investment landscape.
Elon Musk and Tesla, Inc.Elon Musk, as the CEO of Tesla, Inc., has played a pivotal role in the electric vehicle (EV) industry. His vision for sustainable transportation has influenced the development of EVs and renewable energy solutions, inspiring other companies to follow suit.Musk’s leadership and Tesla’s innovations have created a Circle of Influence that accelerates the transition to electric vehicles and clean energy technologies.
Mark Zuckerberg and FacebookMark Zuckerberg co-founded Facebook, which has grown into one of the world’s largest social media platforms. His vision for connecting people and creating a global community has shaped the social media landscape and influenced digital communication.Zuckerberg’s leadership and Facebook’s growth created a Circle of Influence that transformed social networking and online advertising practices.
Jack Welch and General Electric (GE)Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric (GE), implemented a management philosophy known as “Neutron Jack.” His emphasis on performance, leadership, and efficiency turned GE into a global conglomerate and influenced corporate management practices.Welch’s leadership and management principles formed a Circle of Influence that had a lasting impact on business leadership, culture, and performance metrics.
Bill Gates and Microsoft CorporationBill Gates co-founded Microsoft, a company that played a pivotal role in the personal computer revolution. His vision for software development and personal computing influenced the technology industry and the way people use computers worldwide.Gates’ leadership and Microsoft’s innovations created a Circle of Influence that shaped the software industry and the adoption of personal computing technology.
Oprah Winfrey and OWN NetworkOprah Winfrey, a media mogul and talk show host, founded the OWN Network (Oprah Winfrey Network). Her commitment to empowering and inspiring audiences through various media ventures has influenced the television and media industry, as well as philanthropy.Winfrey’s media presence and philanthropic efforts have formed a Circle of Influence that promotes personal growth, empowerment, and social impact.
Larry Page and GoogleLarry Page, one of the co-founders of Google, has been a driving force behind the company’s growth and innovation. Google’s search engine and various digital services have transformed how people access information and interact online, influencing competitors and industries.Page’s leadership and Google’s products have created a Circle of Influence that shapes online search, advertising, and digital technologies used worldwide.
Richard Branson and Virgin GroupRichard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, has built a diverse portfolio of businesses, including music, airlines, and telecommunications. His entrepreneurial spirit and brand philosophy have influenced multiple industries and inspired other entrepreneurs.Branson’s business ventures and brand identity have formed a Circle of Influence that encourages innovation, risk-taking, and brand differentiation in business.

Connected Business Concepts

Circle of Competence

The circle of competence describes a person’s natural competence in an area that matches their skills and abilities. Beyond this imaginary circle are skills and abilities that a person is naturally less competent at. The concept was popularised by Warren Buffett, who argued that investors should only invest in companies they know and understand. However, the circle of competence applies to any topic and indeed any individual.

Economic Moat

Economic or market moats represent long-term business defensibility. Or how long a business can retain its competitive advantage in the marketplace over the years. Warren Buffet who popularized the term “moat” referred to it as a share of mind, opposite to market share, as such it is the characteristic that all valuable brands have.

Golden Circle

The Golden Circle attempts to explain how certain businesses can inspire others and differentiate themselves in the market. Originally developed by author Simon Sinek, the concept helps businesses identify their purpose and then communicate that purpose to consumers in a meaningful way so that the brand can be highly differentiated in the marketplace.

Value Investing

Value investing is a strategy advocating the purchase of stocks that are underappreciated by other investors or the broader market. Value investing was popularised by investor Warren Buffett, but the approach was pioneered by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd at Columbia Business School in the early 1920s. Graham would later go on to release the seminal book The Intelligent Investor in 1949.

Buffet Indicator

The Buffet Indicator is a measure of the total value of all publicly-traded stocks in a country divided by that country’s GDP. It’s a measure and ratio to evaluate whether a market is undervalued or overvalued. It’s one of Warren Buffet’s favorite measures as a warning that financial markets might be overvalued and riskier.

5 Whys Method

The 5 Whys method is an interrogative problem-solving technique that seeks to understand cause-and-effect relationships. At its core, the technique is used to identify the root cause of a problem by asking the question of why five times. This might unlock new ways to think about a problem and therefore devise a creative solution to solve it.

First-Principle Thinking

First-principles thinking – sometimes called reasoning from first principles – is used to reverse-engineer complex problems and encourage creativity. It involves breaking down problems into basic elements and reassembling them from the ground up. Elon Musk is among the strongest proponents of this way of thinking.

Second-Order Thinking

Second-order thinking is a means of assessing the implications of our decisions by considering future consequences. Second-order thinking is a mental model that considers all future possibilities. It encourages individuals to think outside of the box so that they can prepare for every and any eventuality. It also discourages the tendency for individuals to default to the most obvious choice.

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