
7 Cs Of Communication

The 7Cs of communication is a set of guiding principles on effective communication skills in business, moving around seven principles for effective business communication: clear, concise, concrete, correct, complete, coherent, and courteous.  

Concept OverviewThe 7 Cs of Communication is a framework used to ensure effective and clear communication. It outlines seven essential principles that help individuals and organizations convey messages accurately and comprehensibly. These principles are essential in various communication contexts, from business to personal interactions.
ClarityClarity emphasizes the need for a message to be clear, concise, and easily understood by the audience. Messages should avoid ambiguity, jargon, or complex language that can lead to confusion. Clear communication ensures that the intended message is received and comprehended as intended.
ConcisenessConciseness relates to the idea that communication should be brief and to the point. Irrelevant or excessive details should be omitted, and the message should convey its essence efficiently. Concise communication respects the audience’s time and minimizes the risk of information overload.
CoherenceCoherence emphasizes the importance of logical and organized communication. Messages should follow a logical flow, with ideas or points connected in a meaningful sequence. Incoherent communication can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the message’s intent.
ConsistencyConsistency involves maintaining uniformity in communication. The tone, style, and content of messages should align with established norms and standards. Inconsistent communication can create confusion and undermine the credibility of the communicator or organization.
CorrectnessCorrectness underscores the necessity of accurate and error-free communication. Messages should be free from grammatical errors, factual inaccuracies, or misleading information. Correct communication enhances credibility and trustworthiness.
ConsiderationConsideration focuses on the audience’s perspective. Effective communicators consider the needs, interests, and concerns of their audience when crafting messages. This ensures that the message resonates with the audience and addresses their specific needs or questions.
CompletenessCompleteness means that messages should contain all necessary information to convey the intended message effectively. Incomplete communication can leave gaps in understanding, prompting the audience to seek clarification or make assumptions.
ImplicationsThe 7 Cs of Communication has several implications for effective communication: – Improved Clarity: Clear and concise communication reduces misunderstandings. – Audience-Centric: Consideration of the audience’s perspective enhances engagement. – Enhanced Credibility: Correct and consistent communication builds trust. – Effective Messaging: Coherent and complete messages ensure the intended message is received.
Benefits– Clarity: Ensures that messages are easily understood. – Efficiency: Conciseness saves time for both the communicator and the audience. – Engagement: Consideration for the audience’s needs enhances engagement. – Credibility: Correctness and consistency build trust and credibility. – Effectiveness: Coherent and complete messages achieve their intended purpose.
Drawbacks– Time-Consuming: Applying all 7 Cs may require additional time and effort. – Context Dependency: Some situations may not require all Cs in every message. – Overemphasis: Overemphasizing certain Cs may lead to overly formal or rigid communication. – Cultural Sensitivity: Cultural nuances can impact the interpretation of the Cs.
Use CasesThe 7 Cs of Communication is applicable in various scenarios: – Business Communication: Ensures clear and effective communication in corporate settings. – Marketing and Advertising: Helps craft persuasive and engaging messages. – Public Speaking: Enhances the impact of speeches and presentations. – Written Communication: Improves the clarity of written documents and reports. – Interpersonal Communication: Facilitates effective conversations and discussions.

Understanding the 7 Cs of communication

Effective communication in business occurs when one party receives a message in a way that it was intended to be heard. But with corporate employees spending up to 30% of work time responding to email alone, communication must be also productive, efficient, and engaging.

To that end, the 7Cs of communication were developed to improve both written and oral communication.

Following is a look at each principle.

  1. Clear. Communication must be clear in the sense that the recipient does not have to seek further clarification on what was said. Here, it’s best to keep things simple. Avoid complex words and do not assume that the recipient has every detail of the story in front of them.
  2. Concise. Brevity is important because it saves time. Avoid using five sentences to communicate something that could be explained in two. Ultimately, conciseness is a balancing act. Employees must get their point across quickly without omitting important details.
  3. Concrete. Concrete communication is specific and logical. Facts must support each other and the premise of the communication itself. Where appropriate, facts in the form of data should also support arguments.
  4. Correct. Ensure that all communication is free of typing and spelling errors. Avoid over-reliance on spell checking tools because they do not catch subtle variations in grammar or word usage. If using technical terms, ensure that the recipient has an adequate grasp of the subject matter.
  5. Complete. Does communication have the required information for the recipient to take action? Indeed, is there a call to action included in the closing remarks?
  6. Coherent. Sentences should flow harmoniously and most importantly, be on topic. Avoid mentioning distracting topics that could easily be addressed in subsequent communication.
  7. Courteous. Manners and politeness go a long way, particularly in high-stress environments common to many businesses. Avoid coming across as demanding or brusque. Instead, opt to communicate with a friendly, professional, respectful, and considerate tone.

Extensions to the 7 Cs of communication

While the original framework is more than sufficient for effective communication, some extensions do exist.

The first is credibility. In other words, does the communication enhance or showcase the credibility of the communicator? This is particularly important for businesses giving presentations or in other scenarios where a business is less acquainted with an interested party.

The second extension is creativity. Creative communication increases engagement and again, can enhance the credibility of a business presenting to an audience.

When to Use the 7 Cs of Communication:

The 7 Cs of Communication can be applied in various communication scenarios:

  1. Written Communication: Use the 7 Cs when composing emails, reports, memos, or any written documents.
  2. Oral Communication: Apply the principles during presentations, speeches, meetings, and conversations.
  3. Advertising and Marketing: Craft advertisements, marketing messages, and promotional materials that adhere to the 7 Cs for maximum impact.
  4. Customer Service: Provide clear and courteous responses to customer inquiries or issues.
  5. Educational Materials: When creating educational content, ensure that it is clear, concise, and complete to facilitate learning.

How to Use the 7 Cs of Communication:

To effectively use the 7 Cs of Communication, follow these guidelines:

  1. Clarity: Use straightforward and unambiguous language. Organize your message logically, and avoid unnecessary complexity.
  2. Conciseness: Get to the point quickly. Eliminate redundant information or irrelevant details that may distract from the main message.
  3. Concreteness: Provide specific examples, data, and evidence to support your message. Avoid vague statements.
  4. Correctness: Proofread and edit your communication to eliminate errors. Use proper grammar and spelling.
  5. Consideration: Think about the needs, concerns, and perspectives of your audience. Tailor your message to address their interests and questions.
  6. Completeness: Ensure that your message contains all the necessary information. Anticipate potential questions or areas of confusion and address them proactively.
  7. Courtesy: Maintain a polite and respectful tone in your communication. Avoid offensive language or tone that may alienate your audience.

Drawbacks and Limitations of the 7 Cs of Communication:

While the 7 Cs of Communication are valuable, they have certain drawbacks and limitations:

  1. Overemphasis on Perfection: Striving for perfection in all seven Cs can be time-consuming and may not always be necessary for every communication.
  2. Audience Variability: Different audiences may have varying expectations and preferences regarding clarity, conciseness, and tone.
  3. Complex Topics: Some topics may require a more in-depth and complex discussion, which may challenge the principle of conciseness.
  4. Cultural Sensitivity: Cultural differences can affect perceptions of courtesy and correctness, making it important to adapt communication to diverse audiences.
  5. Overloading Information: Attempting to include all relevant information can lead to information overload for the audience.

What to Expect from Using the 7 Cs of Communication:

Using the 7 Cs of Communication can lead to several outcomes and benefits:

  1. Clarity and Understanding: Expect your message to be clearer and more easily understood by your audience.
  2. Improved Impact: Effective communication using the 7 Cs principles can have a more significant impact on your audience.
  3. Reduced Miscommunication: By addressing potential sources of confusion and misunderstanding, the 7 Cs help reduce miscommunication.
  4. Enhanced Professionalism: Correctness and courtesy contribute to a more professional image.
  5. Audience Engagement: Considering the needs and interests of your audience can enhance their engagement and receptiveness to your message.

Relevance in Various Contexts:

The 7 Cs of Communication are relevant in various contexts, including:

  1. Business Communication: Employ them in business emails, reports, presentations, and customer interactions.
  2. Academic Writing: Students and researchers can use the 7 Cs to improve the clarity and effectiveness of their academic papers.
  3. Marketing and Advertising: Marketers rely on these principles to create compelling and persuasive marketing messages.
  4. Public Speaking: Public speakers and presenters can use the 7 Cs to engage and inform their audiences effectively.
  5. Interpersonal Communication: In everyday conversations and interactions, applying the 7 Cs can lead to more successful and harmonious communication.


The 7 Cs of Communication offer a valuable framework for crafting clear, concise, and effective messages across various communication channels and contexts. By adhering to the principles of clarity, conciseness, concreteness, correctness, consideration, completeness, and courtesy, communicators can enhance their ability to convey information, persuade, and engage their audience successfully. While recognizing the limitations and adapting to specific situations is essential, the 7 Cs remain a foundational guide for effective communication in both personal and professional settings.

Case Studies

Business Proposal:

  • Clear: The proposal must be clear in its description of the investment opportunity, avoiding complex jargon or assumptions. It should ensure that potential investors don’t have to seek further clarification.
  • Concise: The proposal should be concise, presenting key points and benefits succinctly without unnecessary verbosity. It saves time for both the sender and the recipient.
  • Concrete: It should provide specific data and logical arguments supporting the investment opportunity, making the proposal more convincing and grounded in facts.
  • Correct: The proposal must be free of errors, particularly in financial projections, ensuring that the information presented is accurate and reliable.
  • Complete: It should include all the necessary documentation and information that potential investors need to make an informed decision. A clear call to action for the investors should also be included.
  • Coherent: The proposal should have a logical flow, presenting information in a structured manner to avoid confusion or misinterpretation.
  • Courteous: A courteous and respectful tone should be maintained throughout the proposal to create a positive impression and build rapport with potential investors.

Tech Support Chat:

  • Clear: The tech support chat should provide clear instructions for troubleshooting issues, ensuring that users can understand and follow the steps without confusion.
  • Concise: Explanations and responses should be concise to save time for both the user and the support agent while conveying necessary information.
  • Concrete: The support agent should use specific and logical language to describe troubleshooting steps and provide data or examples to support their guidance.
  • Correct: Information provided in the chat, especially technical details, should be accurate and free of errors.
  • Complete: The chat should include all necessary information and instructions to help the user resolve their tech issue. If further assistance is required, the user should know how to proceed.
  • Coherent: The conversation should flow logically, with responses addressing the user’s questions or concerns in an organized manner.
  • Courteous: A courteous and patient tone should be maintained, even if the user is frustrated, to ensure a positive customer service experience.

Product Launch Announcement:

  • Clear: The announcement should provide a clear description of the new product’s features and benefits, ensuring that customers understand what is being offered.
  • Concise: Information about the product’s benefits should be presented concisely to maintain the reader’s interest and avoid overwhelming them with details.
  • Concrete: Specifications and data should be provided to support the claims about the product, making the announcement more convincing and credible.
  • Correct: Information about release dates and pricing should be accurate and error-free, as incorrect details can lead to confusion and disappointment among customers.
  • Complete: The announcement should include all necessary details for customers to make informed decisions, including how to order the product and any special promotions.
  • Coherent: The message should flow logically, presenting information in a structured manner to maintain reader engagement.
  • Courteous: The announcement should maintain a friendly and professional tone to create a positive impression and address potential customer inquiries courteously.

Business Email:

  • Clear: The email should be clear and free from ambiguity, ensuring that the recipient can easily understand the message without the need for clarification.
  • Concise: It should be concise, delivering the necessary information without unnecessary wordiness, saving time for both the sender and the recipient.
  • Concrete: The email should contain specific details and avoid vague or abstract language, making the message more precise and actionable.
  • Correct: It must be free of spelling and grammatical errors to maintain professionalism and credibility. Technical terms should be used accurately.
  • Complete: The email should include all relevant information and details, and if necessary, it should provide clear calls to action or next steps.
  • Coherent: The email’s content should flow logically and maintain a consistent message structure, ensuring that the recipient can follow the narrative easily.
  • Courteous: The tone of the email should be courteous, professional, and respectful to maintain a positive working relationship.

Project Status Update:

  • Clear: The status update should clearly communicate the project’s progress and any notable achievements or issues, ensuring that stakeholders understand the current state.
  • Concise: It should be concise, focusing on key points and highlights, avoiding lengthy explanations that might overwhelm or bore the audience.
  • Concrete: Specific data, metrics, and evidence should be provided to support the reported progress, making the update more credible.
  • Correct: The update should be free from errors, especially in terms of timelines and milestones, to maintain trust and reliability.
  • Complete: It should include all necessary information, such as upcoming tasks or action items for stakeholders, to facilitate informed decision-making.
  • Coherent: The update should follow a logical structure, ensuring that stakeholders can easily follow the narrative and understand the project’s direction.
  • Courteous: Maintaining a respectful and professional tone in the update helps foster positive relationships with project stakeholders.

Job Interview:

  • Clear: During the interview, candidates should provide clear and concise responses to questions, ensuring that interviewers can easily understand their qualifications and experiences.
  • Concise: Responses should be concise, providing relevant information without unnecessary details or rambling, respecting the interviewers’ time.
  • Concrete: Candidates should use specific examples and achievements to illustrate their skills and experiences, making their qualifications more tangible.
  • Correct: All statements made during the interview should be accurate and free of factual errors, maintaining the candidate’s credibility.
  • Complete: Responses should address the entirety of the interview questions, providing thorough and informative answers.
  • Coherent: Candidates should maintain a logical and organized narrative throughout the interview, making it easier for interviewers to follow their responses.
  • Courteous: Maintaining a polite and respectful demeanor during the interview contributes to a positive impression and a potential job offer.

Key takeaways:

  • The 7 Cs of communication provide a framework for effective and efficient business communication.
  • The 7 Cs of communication detail 7 guiding principles. Is the communication clear, concise, concrete, complete, correct, coherent, and courteous?
  • The 7 Cs of communication provide many benefits for individuals and businesses alike. Proper communication boosts credibility and engagement which builds solid relationships. 

Key Highlights

  • Introduction to the 7 Cs of Communication:
    • The 7 Cs of communication is a set of guiding principles for effective business communication.
    • The principles focus on clear, concise, concrete, correct, complete, coherent, and courteous communication.
  • Purpose of the 7 Cs:
    • Effective communication in business ensures that messages are received as intended and are productive, efficient, and engaging.
    • The 7 Cs aim to improve both written and oral communication by providing a comprehensive framework.
  • Explanation of Each Principle:
    • Clear: Communication should be easy to understand without the need for further clarification. Simplicity is key, avoiding complex words or assumptions.
    • Concise: Messages should be brief to save time while conveying the necessary information. Balancing brevity and important details is crucial.
    • Concrete: Communication should be specific, logical, and supported by facts, including data where applicable.
    • Correct: Communication must be free of errors, including typing and spelling. Technical terms should be understood by the recipient.
    • Complete: Communication should provide all necessary information for the recipient to take action, including a clear call to action.
    • Coherent: Communication should have a logical flow, sticking to the main topic and avoiding distractions.
    • Courteous: Manners and politeness are important, especially in high-stress environments. Professional, friendly, and respectful tones should be used.
  • Extensions to the 7 Cs:
    • Credibility: Communication should enhance the credibility of the communicator, especially in scenarios like presentations.
    • Creativity: Creative communication increases engagement and can also enhance credibility in presentations.
  • Key Takeaways:
    • The 7 Cs of communication offer a comprehensive framework for effective business communication.
    • Following the principles ensures that communication is clear, concise, concrete, correct, complete, coherent, and courteous.
    • Effective communication has numerous benefits, including enhanced credibility, engagement, and relationship-building.
Related FrameworksDescriptionWhen to Apply
Shannon-Weaver Model– A mathematical theory of communication developed by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver that describes communication as a process of encoding, transmitting, and decoding messages through a noisy channel. The Shannon-Weaver Model emphasizes the technical aspects of communication and the role of noise in signal transmission.– When analyzing communication processes or designing communication systems. – Applying the Shannon-Weaver Model to understand the transmission of messages, identify potential sources of interference, and optimize communication channels effectively, ensuring clear and accurate message delivery.
Transactional Model of Communication– A communication theory proposed by Barnlund and others that views communication as a dynamic process involving the exchange of messages between senders and receivers in a continuous feedback loop. The Transactional Model emphasizes mutual influence, context, and interpretation in communication interactions.– When studying interpersonal communication or analyzing communication dynamics. – Employing the Transactional Model of Communication to understand the reciprocal nature of communication exchanges, interpret nonverbal cues, and navigate communication contexts effectively, fostering mutual understanding and relationship building.
Berlo’s SMCR Model– A communication model developed by David Berlo that identifies four key components of the communication process: Source, Message, Channel, and Receiver (SMCR). Berlo’s SMCR Model highlights the importance of sender-receiver dynamics, message encoding and decoding, and channel selection in effective communication.– When planning communication strategies or analyzing communication effectiveness. – Utilizing Berlo’s SMCR Model to assess communication goals, tailor messages to audience preferences, and select appropriate channels for message delivery effectively, enhancing message clarity and audience engagement.
Transactional Leadership Theory– A leadership theory that focuses on exchanges between leaders and followers, emphasizing the transactional nature of leadership interactions based on contingent rewards, punishments, and performance expectations. Transactional Leadership relies on clear communication, goal setting, and performance monitoring.– When managing teams or implementing performance incentives. – Applying Transactional Leadership Theory principles to establish clear expectations, communicate performance goals, and provide feedback and rewards effectively, motivating team members and driving performance outcomes.
Interpersonal Communication Theory– A branch of communication studies that explores how individuals interact and communicate with one another in various social contexts and relationships. Interpersonal Communication Theory examines verbal and nonverbal communication, relationship dynamics, and social influence processes.– When studying interpersonal relationships or improving communication skills. – Drawing on Interpersonal Communication Theory concepts to enhance self-awareness, develop empathy, and navigate interpersonal interactions effectively, fostering meaningful connections and rapport with others.
Diffusion of Innovations Theory– A theory developed by Everett Rogers that explains how new ideas, products, or innovations spread and are adopted within a social system over time. The Diffusion of Innovations Theory identifies key factors influencing the adoption process, such as perceived benefits, communication channels, and social norms.– When introducing new products or ideas to target audiences. – Leveraging Diffusion of Innovations Theory principles to identify early adopters, target opinion leaders, and tailor communication strategies to different adopter segments effectively, accelerating adoption rates and diffusion within target populations.
Organizational Communication Theory– A field of study that examines communication processes and dynamics within organizations, including formal and informal channels, communication networks, and organizational culture. Organizational Communication Theory addresses issues such as leadership communication, conflict management, and change communication.– When improving internal communication or managing organizational change. – Applying Organizational Communication Theory frameworks to diagnose communication barriers, design communication structures, and facilitate dialogue and collaboration effectively, enhancing organizational effectiveness and employee engagement.
Social Learning Theory– A theory proposed by Albert Bandura that emphasizes the role of observational learning, imitation, and modeling in shaping human behavior. Social Learning Theory suggests that individuals learn from observing others and their consequences, which influences their attitudes, beliefs, and actions.– When designing training programs or behavior change interventions. – Incorporating Social Learning Theory principles into instructional design, modeling positive behaviors, and providing opportunities for observation and practice effectively, facilitating skill acquisition and behavior change.
Media Dependency Theory– A communication theory that explores how individuals and societies rely on media for information, entertainment, and social interaction, particularly in times of uncertainty or crisis. Media Dependency Theory examines the role of media in shaping perceptions, attitudes, and behavior.– When analyzing media consumption patterns or media effects. – Applying Media Dependency Theory frameworks to understand media consumption motivations, assess media influence on public opinion, and design communication campaigns effectively, leveraging media channels to inform, engage, and mobilize audiences.
Rhetorical Theory– A branch of communication studies that examines the persuasive power of language, symbols, and discourse in influencing beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Rhetorical Theory analyzes rhetorical strategies, appeals, and audience responses in persuasive communication contexts.– When crafting persuasive messages or delivering public speeches. – Drawing on Rhetorical Theory principles to analyze audience needs, tailor persuasive appeals, and structure arguments effectively, enhancing message persuasiveness and audience engagement.

Read Next: Lasswell Communication Model, Linear Model Of Communication.

Connected Communication Models

Aristotle’s Model of Communication

The Aristotle model of communication is a linear model with a focus on public speaking. The Aristotle model of communication was developed by Greek philosopher and orator Aristotle, who proposed the linear model to demonstrate the importance of the speaker and their audience during communication. 

Communication Cycle

The linear model of communication is a relatively simplistic model envisaging a process in which a sender encodes and transmits a message that is received and decoded by a recipient. The linear model of communication suggests communication moves in one direction only. The sender transmits a message to the receiver, but the receiver does not transmit a response or provide feedback to the sender.

Berlo’s SMCR Model

Berlo’s SMCR model was created by American communication theorist David Berlo in 1960, who expanded the Shannon-Weaver model of communication into clear and distinct parts. Berlo’s SMCR model is a one-way or linear communication framework based on the Shannon-Weaver communication model.

Helical Model of Communication

The helical model of communication is a framework inspired by the three-dimensional spring-like curve of a helix. It argues communication is cyclical, continuous, non-repetitive, accumulative, and influenced by time and experience.

Lasswell Communication Model

The Lasswell communication model is a linear framework for explaining the communication process through segmentation. Lasswell proposed media propaganda performs three social functions: surveillance, correlation, and transmission. Lasswell believed the media could impact what viewers believed about the information presented.

Modus Tollens

Modus tollens is a deductive argument form and a rule of inference used to make conclusions of arguments and sets of arguments.  Modus tollens argues that if P is true then Q is also true. However, P is false. Therefore Q is also false. Modus tollens as an inference rule dates back to late antiquity where it was taught as part of Aristotelian logic. The first person to describe the rule in detail was Theophrastus, successor to Aristotle in the Peripatetic school.

Five Cannons of Rhetoric

The five canons of rhetoric were first organized by Roman philosopher Cicero in his treatise De Inventione in around 84 BC. Some 150 years later, Roman rhetorician Quintilian explored each of the five canons in more depth as part of his 12-volume textbook entitled Institutio Oratoria. The work helped the five canons become a major component of rhetorical education well into the medieval period. The five canons of rhetoric comprise a system for understanding powerful and effective communication.

Communication Strategy

A communication strategy framework clarifies how businesses should communicate with their employees, investors, customers, and suppliers. Some of the key elements of an effective communication strategy move around purpose, background, objectives, target audience, messaging, and approach.

Noise if Communication

Noise is any factor that interferes with or impedes effective communication between a sender and receiver. When noise disrupts the communication process or prevents the transmission of information, it is said to be communication noise.

7 Cs of Communication

The 7Cs of communication is a set of guiding principles on effective communication skills in business, moving around seven principles for effective business communication: clear, concise, concrete, correct, complete, coherent, and courteous.

Transactional Model of Communication

The transactional model of communication describes communication as a two-way, interactive process within social, relational, and cultural contexts. The transactional model of communication is best exemplified by two models. Barnlund’s model describes communication as a complex, multi-layered process where the feedback from the sender becomes the message for the receiver. Dance’s helical model is another example, which suggests communication is continuous, dynamic, evolutionary, and non-linear.

Horizontal Communication

Horizontal communication, often referred to as lateral communication, is communication that occurs between people at the same organizational level. In this context, communication describes any information that is transmitted between individuals, teams, departments, divisions, or units.

Communication Apprehension

Communication apprehension is a measure of the degree of anxiety someone feels in response to real (or anticipated) communication with another person or people.

Closed-Loop Communication

Closed-loop communication is a simple but effective technique used to avoid misunderstandings during the communication process. Here, the person receiving information repeats it back to the sender to ensure they have understood the message correctly. 

Grapevine In Communication

Grapevine communication describes informal, unstructured, workplace dialogue between employees and superiors. It was first described in the early 1800s after someone observed that the appearance of telegraph wires strung between transmission poles resembled a grapevine.

ASE Model

The ASE model posits that human behavior can be predicted if one studies the intention behind the behavior. It was created by health communication expert Hein de Vries in 1988. The ASE model believes intention and behavior are determined by cognitive variables such as attitude, social influence, and self-efficacy. The model also believes that intention predicts behavior such that one’s attitude toward a behavior is influenced by the consequences of that behavior. Three cognitive variables are the primary determinants of whether the intention to perform a new behavior was sustained: attitude, social influence, and self-efficacy. Various external variables also influence these factors.

Integrated Marketing Communication

Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is an approach used by businesses to coordinate and brand their communication strategies. Integrated marketing communication takes separate marketing functions and combines them into one, interconnected approach with a core brand message that is consistent across various channels. These encompass owned, earned, and paid media. Integrated marketing communication has been used to great effect by companies such as Snapchat, Snickers, and Domino’s.

Social Penetration Theory

Social penetration theory was developed by fellow psychologists Dalmas Taylor and Irwin Altman in their 1973 article Social Penetration: The Development of Interpersonal Relationships. Social penetration theory (SPT) posits that as a relationship develops, shallow and non-intimate communication evolves and becomes deeper and more intimate.

Hypodermic Needle

The hypodermic needle theory was first proposed by communication theorist Harold Lasswell in his 1927 book Propaganda Technique in the World War. The hypodermic needle theory is a communication model suggesting media messages are inserted into the brains of passive audiences.

7-38-55 Rule

The 7-38-55 rule was created by University of California psychology professor Albert Mehrabian and mentioned in his book Silent Messages.  The 7-38-55 rule describes the multi-faceted way in which people communicate emotions, claiming that 7% of communication occurred via spoken word, 38% through tone of voice, and the remaining 55% through body language.

Active Listening

Active listening is the process of listening attentively while someone speaks and displaying understanding through verbal and non-verbal techniques. Active listening is a fundamental part of good communication, fostering a positive connection and building trust between individuals.

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