
What is the Johari Window Model? Johari Window Model In A Nutshell

The Johari window model was created in 1955 by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham to help individuals better understand themselves. The word “Johari” is a combination of the first names of each inventor. The Johari window model is a self-awareness tool used to improve relationships with others.

DefinitionThe Johari Window Model is a psychological tool used to enhance self-awareness and understanding in individuals and groups. It represents four quadrants, each revealing different aspects of an individual’s self.– Facilitates improved communication and interpersonal relationships.Quadrant 1: Known to self and others. Quadrant 2: Known to self but not to others. Quadrant 3: Known to others but not to self. Quadrant 4: Unknown to self and others.Self-awareness, building trust, enhancing teamwork, and improving communication within personal and professional relationships.
Quadrant 1: Open AreaThis quadrant represents the aspects of an individual’s personality, behavior, and knowledge that are known to both the individual and others.– Encourages open communication and trust in relationships.Sharing personal interests, skills, or experiences with colleagues.Strengthening relationships, fostering collaboration, and building a supportive team environment based on shared understanding.
Quadrant 2: Blind SpotHere, we find the aspects of an individual that are known to the person but remain hidden from others. These can include personal habits, fears, or emotions.– Promotes self-reflection and recognition of personal blind spots.Recognizing and acknowledging personal weaknesses or insecurities.Self-improvement, seeking feedback from others to reduce blind spots, and addressing personal areas for growth and development.
Quadrant 3: Hidden AreaThis quadrant holds information known to others but concealed from the individual. It includes feedback, perceptions, or opinions that others have about the person.– Highlights the importance of seeking and accepting feedback.Receiving constructive feedback from colleagues about communication style.Gaining self-insight through external feedback, enhancing self-awareness, and making adjustments based on feedback to improve relationships and performance.
Quadrant 4: Unknown AreaIn this quadrant, we have aspects that are unknown both to the individual and others. These can be unconscious feelings, behaviors, or hidden potential.– Encourages exploration and self-discovery.Exploring untapped talents or discovering hidden biases through self-assessment.Personal development, expanding self-awareness, and unlocking untapped potential by uncovering and exploring the unknown areas of one’s personality.

Understanding the Johari window model

A core premise of the model is that our interactions with others are ultimately shaped by:

  • How we see ourselves, and
  • How we are perceived by others. 

If both views are aligned, then the interaction is more likely to be effective and engaging. 

The four panes of the Johari window

Alignment can be assessed by populating a matrix with four cells, commonly referred to as the four panes of a Johari window.

Each pane helps the individual evaluate the degree of alignment (or disparity) in their interactions with others.

Let’s look at each pane:

Open area (known to self, known to others)

This area contains well-known information that most individuals are happy to talk about.

It encompasses skills, values, experience, personality, values, and feelings.

Blind area (not known to self, known to others)

Or things that people know about us that we are unaware of. Information is often withheld for fear of hurting feelings or starting an argument.

In a business context, this area includes blind spots that are crucial for professional development. They can be both positive and negative traits.

Hidden area (known to self, not known to others)

Commonly referring to information that the individual chooses not to disclose.

These may include fears or ambitions that are withheld for fear of reprisal or judgment. 

Unknown area (not known to self, not known to others)

As the name suggests, this is information unknown to either party.

It may relate to talents or abilities that, through a lack of opportunity or confidence, have not yet been discovered.

Creating a Johari window for individuals

Creating a Johari window involves self-reflection and as such, the insights gleaned may be uncomfortable for some.

But it need not be a daunting process. Here is how you can use a Johari window to accelerate self-improvement:

Choose a group of trusted peers

This may be a group of people who know you intimately. In business, it may simply be members of your team.

Select your Johari words, otherwise known as Johari adjectives

Many teams choose to use a preselected list of 56 terms that include such descriptors as brave, confident, energetic, intelligent, shy, wise, warm, trustworthy, mature, quiet, proud, or idealistic.

Teams can choose to use their own adjectives so long as there is a large and varied group to choose from.

Then, select 5-10 words you believe best describe your personality.

Select 5-10 adjectives

Ask each member of the group of peers to then select 5-10 adjectives.

Place words selected by both you and others in the “open” pane

Place words only selected by yourself in the “hidden” pane.

Place words that were selected by peers but not selected by you in the “blind” pane

All remaining words should be placed in the “unknown” pane.

Evaluate the results

How much overlap is there between how you see yourself and how others perceive you?

Whatever the results, the goal must be to increase the size of the “open” pane relative to the others.

Johari window model examples

In this section, we’ll populate the panes in a Johari window with information from two examples.

Self-reflection and personal action

The first example describes an employee using a Johari window for personal and professional development:

  1. Open area (known to self, known to others) – the employee starts by discussing their personal development opportunities with their direct superior. To improve their qualifications, the individual wants to obtain experience by managing complex projects, improve workshop facilitation skills, and increase their confidence when interacting with C-level executives.
  2. Blind area (not known to self, known to others) – in the second pane, the individual asks for periodic feedback from superiors, managers, and colleagues. This establishes important relationships within the organization and demonstrates to those in power that the individual can use initiative.
  3. Hidden area (known to self, not known to others) – the employee has a fear of public speaking and sales presentations after once receiving a negative comment about their overall demeanor. As a result, they strive to make a better first impression with key stakeholders with relaxed and open body language. 
  4. Unknown area (not known to self, not known to others) – to cultivate a growth mindset, the individual looks for mentors and becomes a member of Toastmasters International. There, they connect with like-minded individuals and learn important communication, leadership, and public speaking skills.

Negotiation information

While Johari windows are often associated with communication, teamwork, and self-awareness, they are also relevant to the negotiation process.

Here, each party may possess direct or indirect knowledge of the other party’s objectives, BATNA, or bottom line.

In negotiation theory, BATNA stands for “Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement,” and it’s one of the key tenets of negotiation theory. Indeed, it describes the best course of action a party can take if negotiations fail to reach an agreement. This simple strategy can help improve the negotiation as each party is (in theory) willing to take the best course of action, as otherwise, an agreement won’t be reached.

When these important pieces of information are freely shared, the negotiation tends to be open, collaborative, and mutually beneficial.

When information is concealed, however, the negotiation is more adversarial since both parties protect their secrets and become motivated by self-gain. 

For this example, we’ll replace the terms “self” and “others” with Team A and Team B:

  1. Open area (known to Team A, known to Team B) – as noted, this is information that is freely available to both teams. Each has different interests and objectives, but the open area enables both to utilize the same environment to satisfy their interests and reach a desirable outcome.
  2. Blind area (not known to Team A, known to Team B) – this is information valuable to Team A such as Team B’s bottom line. Team A can obtain access to this information via prior research. Alternatively, it can share its own bottom line or other withheld information in exchange.
  3. Hidden area (known to Team A, not known to Team B) – where Team A possesses information that Team B does not yet have access to. From Team A’s perspective, it can make this information common knowledge to advance discussions, but in so doing, risks reducing its negotiating power.
  4. Unknown area (not known to Team A, not known to Team B) – information that is not known to either party may be an unforeseen or unpredictable future event or data that, for whatever reason, has not been collected in its entirety.

Key takeaways

  • The Johari window model is a self-awareness tool that seeks to bridge the gap between how the individual perceives themselves and how others perceive them.
  • The Johari window model is named after a matrix, or window, with four panes. Each pane is called an area, representing varying degrees of alignment or disparity in perception.
  • The Johari window model can be a daunting process for those not accustomed to detailed self-awareness. But by focusing efforts in the right areas, the model can be a very effective tool for self-improvement.

Key Highlights of the Johari Window Model:

  • Johari Window Model Overview:
    • The Johari window model was created by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in 1955 to enhance self-awareness and relationships.
    • It helps individuals understand themselves by comparing how they see themselves with how others perceive them.
  • Core Premise of the Model:
    • Interactions with others are influenced by how individuals see themselves and how others perceive them.
    • Alignment between self-perception and others’ perception leads to effective interactions.
  • The Four Panes of the Johari Window:
    • Open Area (Known to Self, Known to Others): Contains well-known information such as skills, values, experience, and personality traits.
    • Blind Area (Not Known to Self, Known to Others): Includes information others know about the individual, but the individual is unaware of.
    • Hidden Area (Known to Self, Not Known to Others): Refers to information the individual chooses not to disclose, like fears or ambitions.
    • Unknown Area (Not Known to Self, Not Known to Others): Encompasses information unknown to both parties, often related to undiscovered talents.
  • Creating a Johari Window:
    • Involve trusted peers or team members.
    • Select adjectives that describe your personality (Johari words).
    • Have peers select adjectives for you as well.
    • Populate the four panes based on self-selection and others’ selections.
    • Evaluate the overlap between self-perception and others’ perception.
  • Johari Window Model Examples:
    • Example 1: Personal and professional development using the Johari window.
    • Example 2: Application in negotiation scenarios to improve transparency and collaboration.
  • Key Takeaways:
    • The Johari window model enhances self-awareness and relationship-building.
    • The model is represented by four panes, reflecting different levels of perception alignment.
    • Using the model for self-improvement requires focused effort and willingness to uncover hidden aspects of oneself.

Related FrameworkDescriptionWhen to Apply
Johari Window Model– The Johari Window Model is a psychological tool that helps individuals and groups understand their relationships and increase self-awareness by categorizing information about themselves into four quadrants: open, blind, hidden, and unknown.– Utilize the Johari Window Model in team-building workshops, leadership development programs, or conflict resolution sessions to enhance self-awareness, improve communication, and strengthen interpersonal relationships.
MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)– The MBTI is a personality assessment tool based on Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types, categorizing individuals into one of 16 personality types to better understand their preferences, behaviors, and communication styles in various personal and professional contexts.– Integrate MBTI assessments with the Johari Window Model to explore how personality traits influence self-awareness, interpersonal dynamics, and team collaboration, fostering empathy and mutual understanding.
Feedback Model– The Feedback Model provides a structured approach to giving and receiving feedback, emphasizing the importance of openness, specificity, and empathy in facilitating constructive dialogue and mutual learning between individuals or within teams.– Apply the Feedback Model in conjunction with the Johari Window Model to encourage open communication, increase self-disclosure, and reduce blind spots, enabling individuals to expand their self-awareness and enhance their relationships.
Emotional Intelligence (EI)Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions as well as those of others, encompassing self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, and relationship management skills essential for personal and professional success.– Incorporate Emotional Intelligence training with the Johari Window Model to develop self-awareness and interpersonal skills, fostering empathy, resilience, and effective communication in diverse social and organizational contexts.
360-Degree Feedback360-Degree Feedback is a multi-source assessment tool that collects feedback from various stakeholders, including supervisors, peers, subordinates, and customers, to provide individuals with comprehensive insights into their strengths, development areas, and leadership effectiveness.– Combine 360-Degree Feedback with the Johari Window Model to enhance self-awareness, identify blind spots, and gain a holistic perspective on one’s behavior, attitudes, and impact on others, facilitating targeted personal and professional development.
Transactional Analysis (TA)Transactional Analysis (TA) is a psychoanalytic theory and therapeutic approach that examines interpersonal transactions or “games” between individuals, analyzing ego states (parent, adult, child) and communication patterns to improve self-awareness and enhance social interactions.– Integrate Transactional Analysis concepts with the Johari Window Model to explore communication dynamics, recognize hidden patterns of behavior, and promote assertive, adult-to-adult interactions, fostering healthier relationships and conflict resolution.
Situational Leadership Model– The Situational Leadership Model proposes that effective leadership depends on the leader’s ability to adapt their style based on the readiness or maturity level of their followers, emphasizing the importance of aligning leadership behaviors with the needs of individual team members.– Apply the Situational Leadership Model alongside the Johari Window Model to understand how leadership styles impact self-awareness, communication effectiveness, and team performance, tailoring leadership approaches to support individual and team development.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a psychotherapeutic approach that helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs, replace maladaptive behaviors with healthier alternatives, and develop coping strategies to manage emotions and improve mental well-being.– Combine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques with the Johari Window Model to explore cognitive distortions, uncover underlying beliefs, and promote self-reflection and cognitive restructuring, empowering individuals to cultivate positive self-perceptions and adaptive behaviors.
GROW Model– The GROW Model is a coaching framework that guides individuals through a structured process of Goal setting, Reality exploration, Options generation, and Way forward planning, facilitating self-discovery, goal attainment, and personal development in various life and career contexts.– Integrate the GROW Model with the Johari Window Model to support individuals in setting clear goals, exploring their current reality, identifying blind spots or barriers, and defining actionable steps to expand self-awareness and achieve desired outcomes effectively.
Nonviolent Communication (NVC)Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a communication process developed by Marshall Rosenberg, emphasizing empathy, active listening, and expressing needs and feelings without criticism or judgment to foster understanding, connection, and conflict resolution in interpersonal interactions.– Apply Nonviolent Communication principles in conjunction with the Johari Window Model to facilitate honest, empathetic communication, increase mutual understanding, and address interpersonal conflicts constructively, creating a supportive environment for self-disclosure and growth.

Related Business Frameworks

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT Analysis is a framework used for evaluating the business’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It can aid in identifying the problematic areas of your business so that you can maximize your opportunities. It will also alert you to the challenges your organization might face in the future.

NOISE Analysis

A NOISE analysis is a strategic planning tool that is a useful alternative to the SWOT analysis. Conversely, the NOISE analysis allows decision-makers to analyze the current state of the business and create a strategic improvement plan. It incorporates solution-focused language that helps teams build upon their knowledge and goals and overcome identified obstacles.

SCOC Analysis

The SCOC analysis is an asset-based strategic planning tool focusing on the core strengths of a business, building upon what it claims to be the shortcomings of a traditional SWOT analysis. Indeed, the SCOC analysis claims that the SWOT analysis focuses on threats that might never materialize, thus underweighting potential opportunities.

STEEP Analysis

The STEEP analysis is a tool used to map the external factors that impact an organization. STEEP stands for the five key areas on which the analysis focuses: socio-cultural, technological, economic, environmental/ecological, and political. Usually, the STEEP analysis is complementary or alternative to other methods such as SWOT or PESTEL analyses.

TOWS Matrix

The TOWS Matrix is an acronym for Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Strengths. The matrix is a variation on the SWOT Analysis, and it seeks to address criticisms of the SWOT Analysis regarding its inability to show relationships between the various categories.

SOAR Analysis

A SOAR analysis is a technique that helps businesses at a strategic planning level to Focus on what they are doing right. Determine which skills could be enhanced. Understand the desires and motivations of their stakeholders.

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