
What Is The Helical Model Of Communication? The Helical Model Of Communication In A Nutshell

The helical model of communication is a framework inspired by the three-dimensional spring-like curve of a helix. It argues communication is cyclical, continuous, non-repetitive, accumulative, and influenced by time and experience.

Concept OverviewThe Helical Model of Communication, proposed by Frank Dance in 1967, challenges traditional linear communication models like the Shannon-Weaver model. It recognizes that communication is an ongoing, dynamic process where senders and receivers constantly exchange information, leading to shared understanding and relational development. In this model, communication is seen as a spiral or helical progression, emphasizing feedback, context, and shared experiences.
Key ElementsKey elements of the Helical Model include:
1. Spiral Process: Communication is represented as a continuous spiral, emphasizing its evolving nature.
2. Similarities and Differences: Senders and receivers share both common ground and differences, contributing to the spiral’s growth.
3. Feedback Loops: Continuous feedback helps adjust and refine the communication process.
4. Contextual Influence: The context of communication, including past interactions, shapes the ongoing dialogue.
5. Relational Development: Relationships evolve through repeated communication interactions.
Spiral ProcessThe Helical Model views communication as a dynamic, evolving spiral. Instead of linear steps, it recognizes that communication is an ongoing process that grows and evolves with each interaction. Senders and receivers continuously build on shared experiences and adapt their understanding over time.
Similarities and DifferencesWithin the helical process, communication involves both recognizing commonalities and acknowledging differences between participants. Shared experiences create common ground, while diverse perspectives contribute to the richness of communication interactions. The model emphasizes the importance of appreciating both aspects in communication.
Feedback LoopsContinuous feedback is integral to the Helical Model. It allows participants to refine their understanding, clarify intentions, and adjust their communication approaches. Feedback loops ensure that communication remains responsive and adaptive, helping to avoid misinterpretation and promote effective exchange.
Contextual InfluenceThe context of communication, including previous interactions and shared experiences, plays a crucial role. Context shapes the ongoing dialogue and influences how participants interpret messages. By recognizing the contextual impact, communicators can better understand the evolving nature of their interactions.
Relational DevelopmentRelationships are viewed as evolving through repeated communication interactions. The model acknowledges that ongoing communication contributes to the development, maintenance, and transformation of relationships. By engaging in continuous dialogue, participants build trust, intimacy, and shared meaning over time.
Benefits– Reflects real-life communication: The model aligns with the complexity and dynamism of real-world communication, offering a more realistic depiction.- Emphasizes feedback: Continuous feedback loops enhance understanding and reduce miscommunication.- Relationship focus: It highlights the role of communication in relationship development and maintenance.- Context awareness: Recognizing contextual influence improves communication effectiveness.
Drawbacks– Complexity: The Helical Model can be challenging to apply in some situations due to its nuanced perspective.- Lack of prescriptiveness: It doesn’t provide specific guidelines for communication, making it less directive than some linear models.- Potential misinterpretation: Without clear communication skills, participants may still struggle with misinterpretation and conflicts.- Requires adaptation: Applying the model may require adjusting traditional communication approaches.
Use Cases1. Interpersonal relationships: The model is valuable for understanding how communication contributes to the development and evolution of personal relationships.2. Conflict resolution: It can be applied in conflict resolution to emphasize the importance of feedback and contextual awareness.3. Organizational communication: In organizations, it helps acknowledge the evolving nature of communication between employees, teams, and leaders.
Examples1. In a long-term romantic relationship, the couple’s communication evolves over time as they share experiences and build a deeper connection.
2. During a team project, feedback loops and contextual understanding help team members adapt their communication to achieve shared goals.
3. An organization recognizes that ongoing dialogue with employees is essential for maintaining a positive workplace culture and engagement.

Understanding the helical model of communication

The helical model of communication was first proposed by Frank Dance in 1967 to offer a more detailed look at the communication process.

Dance equated the functioning of his model with a helix or spiraling curve shaped like a spring that moves upward and downward.

To better explain the helical aspect of the model, Dance argued that an individual begins communicating from the day they are born by crying for whatever they need. This is a simple and very rudimentary form of communication.

As they grow older, the child progresses to more complex forms of communication which are also cumulative.

When they graduate from single words to complete sentences, they are building on what they already know to communicate more effectively.

This process is represented by a helix, with progressively larger circles providing a visual metaphor for the evolution of communication from birth to the present moment. It’s also important to note that communication moves backward in the metaphorical sense.

The child who learns to speak in complete sentences is drawing on memories and impressions from an earlier period in their life. 

This process of looking backward also shapes behavior. For example, a teenager may alter their communication style to avoid swearing after being reprimanded by a parent in the past.

Two people in a romantic relationship may also alter the communication style based on previous arguments or outdated ways of communicating.

The key ideas of the Helical model of communication

Here are some of the key ideas of Dance’s model:

  1. Communication occurs cyclically without ever perfectly repeating itself. When an individual receives information from someone, they will use it to communicate more effectively next time.
  2. The model accounts for the dimension of time in communication to suggest how an individual improves. Instead of communication being a two-dimensional process, it is in fact a three-dimensional process. 
  3. Complex communication grows from simple origins. Although we touched on this concept in the introduction, the cumulative way communication evolves is worth reiterating. Two strangers may meet each other and initially exchange names and occupations to start the communication process. Over time, however, they learn to communicate through more complex channels such as body language, moods, gestures, or mannerisms.

Helical model of communication advantages

In this section, we’ll briefly discuss some of the model’s main advantages over similar communication frameworks:


The Helical model can be used to represent communication in a range of scenarios. These include the act of learning a language or how two people alter their interactions with increasing familiarity. To some extent, Dance’s model can also be used to explain a simple two-way conversation between individuals.


The Helical model of communication is one of the only such models to account for time and the role it plays in the communication process. Time is most associated with learning, evolution, and increasing complexity.


Dance also considered the impact of current experiences on future actions. Most communication models only consider past experiences in the context of feedback.

Limitations of the Helical model of communication

The helical model of communication does possess some limitations. 

While similar frameworks such as the Osgood-Schramm and Lasswell models include clear communication steps, Dance’s interpretation does not outline the processes that are inherent to a cyclical model.

This makes it difficult to validate. There is also debate as to whether the helix shows communication as an evolving ability or as the learning that occurs via the act of communicating itself.

Lastly, the Helical model considers communication to be a continuous process. In reality, however, life is far from linear.

Most will be able to appreciate that life is interspersed with meaningless or unproductive periods where we do not learn from our past or indeed incorporate more complex forms of communicating. 

Modern applications of Dance’s model

Modern applications of Dance’s communication model have been used to describe how societies evolve into knowledge economies.

Instead of the single helix that Dance used, these interpretations include a five helix model which starts with linear communication between academic circles and entrepreneurs.

As information and communication technologies develop over time, the role of knowledge in society becomes more complex and widespread.

Following is a general look at each helix involved in this evolutionary process:

First helix (academia, universities)

The first helix acknowledges that universities, students, researchers, and academic entrepreneurs are responsible for creating new knowledge and technology. That is, they comprise the foundational or generative aspect of a knowledge-based economy.

Second helix (academia, industry, business)

This helix consists of the creative economy and similar industries where knowledge can be utilized to create innovations via research and development.

Third helix (academia, industry, government)

For a knowledge economy to exist, there must be effective governmental policy in place. This means facilitating the development of information and communications technology (ICT) and encouraging investment in human capital, innovation, and knowledge-intensive enterprises.

Fourth helix (academia, industry, government media, arts, artistic research, arts-based innovation, society)

These are actors that have introduced knowledge societies or democracies and cultures of innovation, creativity, arts, multiculturalism, and innovation systems with universities.

Fifth helix (academia, industry, media and culture-based public and civil society, and societal, natural, and economical environments)

In the fifth helix, knowledge, and innovation are framed in terms of benefits to society, the economy, and the environment. Knowledge becomes fully integrated into innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainable development, and social ecology.

In the knowledge economy helix, it can be useful to think of universities as the individual in Dance’s model whose communication evolves over time. 

Indeed, universities are involved in each of the five helixes. They play an important role in visualizing a cooperative knowledge system and providing the know-how for innovation that adds value to society.

Key takeaways:

  • The helical model of communication argues communication is cyclical, continuous, non-repetitive, accumulative, and influenced by time and experience
  • The helical model of communication suggests the evolution of communication in an individual starts the day they are born. As they grow older, they develop progressively more complex communication through experience and feedback.
  • The helical model of communication has some limitations. For one, its abstract nature means it is difficult to validate. The model also assumes communication to be a constantly evolving process. Unfortunately, this notion contradicts the realities of life.

Key Highlights

  • Helical Communication Framework: The helical model of communication is a framework inspired by the spiral shape of a helix, representing communication as cyclical, continuous, accumulative, and influenced by time and experience.
  • Proposed by Frank Dance: The model was introduced by Frank Dance in 1967 as a more comprehensive way to understand the communication process.
  • Spiraling Evolution of Communication: Dance used the metaphor of a helix to illustrate how communication evolves over time, starting from simple forms and progressing to more complex ones.
  • Early Communication: The model suggests that individuals begin communicating from birth, even in rudimentary forms such as crying to express needs.
  • Cumulative Progression: As people grow and learn, their communication becomes more intricate and accumulative. New forms of communication build upon what has been learned before.
  • Time Dimension: Dance’s model emphasizes the role of time in communication evolution, considering the past, present, and future experiences that shape how we communicate.
  • Backward and Forward Movement: Communication in the model is not strictly linear; it involves looking backward to previous experiences to shape current and future interactions.
  • Adaptation and Change: Individuals adjust their communication based on past experiences, leading to behavior changes in response to feedback and memories.
  • Modern Applications: The helical model’s concepts are applied in understanding the evolution of societies into knowledge economies, involving academia, industry, government, media, culture, and societal aspects.
  • Limitations: While versatile, the model lacks specific communication steps inherent in a cyclical framework and may not fully account for non-linear aspects of life.
  • Universities in Knowledge Economy: In modern applications, universities are compared to individuals in the model, playing a vital role across different sectors of the knowledge economy.

Helical Model Applied Strategies

Business ScenarioExplanationImplicationOutcome
Product Development MeetingsOngoing discussions between cross-functional teams to refine product specifications.Improved collaboration and alignment.Iterative product enhancements and quality improvements.
Marketing Campaign AdaptationsContinual adjustments to marketing strategies based on real-time performance data.Enhanced campaign effectiveness.Increased ROI and better-targeted messaging.
Customer Feedback LoopsContinuous collection and analysis of customer feedback to improve products or services.Better customer satisfaction and loyalty.Products and services tailored to customer needs.
Employee Training ProgramsProgressive learning modules that build upon foundational knowledge.Skill development and confidence growth.Skilled and adaptable workforce.
Sales NegotiationsOngoing dialogue between sales representatives and potential clients.Relationship building and trust.Successful sales and long-term client partnerships.
Crisis Management ResponseEvolving communication strategies to address a crisis situation as it unfolds.Crisis containment and reputation management.Minimized damage and restored trust.
Product Launch and UpdatesPhased product announcements, followed by continuous updates and improvements.Sustained customer engagement and excitement.Long-term product success and brand loyalty.
Market Research and Trend AnalysisRegular data collection and analysis to identify emerging market trends.Informed decision-making and adaptability.Competitive advantage and timely market responses.
Supplier Relationships and ProcurementOngoing negotiations and communication with suppliers to optimize terms and agreements.Cost savings and reliable supply chains.Efficient operations and reduced supply chain risks.
Employee Performance FeedbackRegular performance evaluations and feedback discussions between supervisors and employees.Skill improvement and career development.Motivated and productive workforce.
Strategic Planning and Goal SettingPeriodic assessments of organizational goals, followed by iterative adjustments.Alignment with evolving business priorities.Achievement of strategic objectives.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Continuous monitoring of customer interactions and touchpoints to enhance relationships.Enhanced customer engagement and loyalty.Customer retention and increased lifetime value.
Product Lifecycle ManagementComprehensive management of a product’s lifecycle from ideation to retirement.Maximized product value and ROI.Successful product launches and legacy management.
Social Media Engagement and Content StrategyRegular posting and interaction with followers, with content evolving based on audience feedback.Growing online community and brand affinity.Increased brand reach and customer engagement.
Supplier Performance ReviewsRegular assessments and communication with suppliers to ensure quality and compliance.Supplier accountability and quality control.Consistent product quality and cost-effectiveness.
Employee Onboarding and Development ProgramsStructured onboarding followed by ongoing training and development opportunities.Employee growth and retention.Highly skilled and committed workforce.
Product Quality Control and ImprovementContinuous monitoring and quality improvements based on feedback and data analysis.Enhanced product reliability and customer satisfaction.High-quality products and reduced defects.
Leadership and Team Development WorkshopsLeadership programs that progress from foundational to advanced leadership skills.Improved leadership effectiveness and teamwork.Strong leadership and high-performing teams.
Market Expansion and Internationalization StrategiesGradual expansion into new markets, adapting strategies based on local dynamics.Market penetration and reduced market entry risks.Successful international market presence.
Project Management and Agile MethodologiesIterative project management approaches, adapting project scope and priorities as needed.Flexibility and adaptability to changing requirements.Successful project delivery and stakeholder satisfaction.
Related FrameworkDescriptionWhen to Apply
Helical Model of Communication– The Helical Model of Communication proposes that communication is an iterative process where individuals’ understanding deepens and broadens over time through interaction and feedback.– Apply the Helical Model of Communication in situations where complex ideas need to be conveyed gradually, allowing for continuous feedback and clarification to ensure mutual understanding and alignment between communicators.
Shannon-Weaver Model– The Shannon-Weaver Model describes communication as a linear process comprising sender, message, channel, receiver, and noise, emphasizing the transmission of information from sender to receiver.– Compare and contrast the Helical Model of Communication with the Shannon-Weaver Model to highlight the iterative nature of communication and the importance of feedback in refining understanding and fostering dialogue between communicators.
Transactional Model of Communication– The Transactional Model of Communication views communication as a dynamic process where both sender and receiver simultaneously act as message encoders and decoders, exchanging feedback and adjusting their messages based on mutual understanding.– Integrate the Helical Model of Communication with the Transactional Model of Communication to emphasize the continuous exchange of information, meaning-making, and shared understanding between communicators as they interact over time.
Grice’s MaximsGrice’s Maxims are principles that govern effective communication, including the maxims of quantity, quality, relevance, and manner, guiding speakers to be informative, truthful, relevant, and clear in their communication.– Apply Grice’s Maxims alongside the Helical Model of Communication to encourage communicators to adhere to principles of clarity, relevance, and truthfulness while engaging in iterative communication to deepen understanding and build rapport.
Feedback Loop– A Feedback Loop is a mechanism in communication that allows receivers to provide responses, comments, or reactions to messages, facilitating two-way communication and ensuring mutual understanding.– Implement Feedback Loops within the context of the Helical Model of Communication to enable continuous dialogue, clarification, and adjustment of messages based on receivers’ responses, fostering effective communication and shared understanding.
Nonverbal CommunicationNonverbal Communication encompasses gestures, body language, facial expressions, and other cues used to convey messages without words, often complementing or contradicting verbal communication.– Incorporate Nonverbal Communication into the Helical Model of Communication to recognize and interpret subtle cues and signals that contribute to the overall meaning and understanding of messages exchanged between communicators over time.
Constructive CommunicationConstructive Communication involves exchanging information in a manner that promotes mutual respect, understanding, and problem-solving, focusing on clarity, empathy, active listening, and positive reinforcement.– Embrace Constructive Communication within the framework of the Helical Model of Communication to foster an environment of openness, trust, and collaboration, where communicators engage in meaningful dialogue to explore ideas, resolve conflicts, and build relationships.
Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM)Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) is a communication theory that explores how individuals co-create meaning through interaction, interpreting messages based on shared social norms, roles, and cultural contexts.– Integrate Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) with the Helical Model of Communication to emphasize the role of shared understanding, social norms, and cultural contexts in shaping communication dynamics and evolving meaning over time through interaction.
Narrative Paradigm– The Narrative Paradigm suggests that humans are storytellers by nature and that communication is fundamentally narrative-based, with individuals constructing and interpreting stories to make sense of their experiences and beliefs.– Apply the Narrative Paradigm alongside the Helical Model of Communication to recognize the power of storytelling in shaping perceptions, beliefs, and shared understanding over time, as individuals engage in iterative communication to exchange narratives.
Social Identity TheorySocial Identity Theory posits that individuals’ self-concept and social identity are shaped by group memberships, with communication playing a crucial role in reinforcing group norms, values, and collective identities.– Utilize Social Identity Theory within the framework of the Helical Model of Communication to explore how group dynamics, identities, and affiliations influence communication patterns, interactions, and the co-creation of meaning over time.

Read Next: Lasswell Communication Model, Linear Model Of Communication.

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Grapevine In Communication

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Active Listening

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