What is Perplexity AI?

  • Perplexity AI was founded in August 2022 by Denis Yarats, Aravind Srinivas, Johnny Ho, and Andy Konwinski. The company’s core product is Perplexity Ask, a search interface powered by OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 and Microsoft Bing that answers user questions.
  • Unlike a traditional search engine that answers queries by serving links, Perplexity Ask summarizes the results to provide a direct answer and provides citations that enable the information to be verified. The other most obvious feature is that the search interface incorporates real-time information.
  • The Perplexity product is one of several that focuses on a conversational search engine experience that provides accurate (or at least verifiable) information.

Perplexity AI was founded in August 2022 by Denis Yarats, Aravind Srinivas, Johnny Ho, and Andy Konwinski. On the company’s website, Perplexity describes itself as a “small interdisciplinary team determined to bring novel technology and useful products to the world.

Perplexity AI’s core product is Perplexity Ask, a search interface and chat tool powered by OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 and Microsoft Bing.

How does Perplexity Ask work?

Unlike a traditional search engine that answers queries by serving links, Perplexity Ask summarizes the results to provide a direct answer and provides citations that enable the information to be verified. 

Perplexity Ask also incorporates follow-up questions and related searches to help users find what they want. Each follow-up question creates a new search query and in the process, facilitates a conversational search experience.

While much of the recent focus has been on ChatGPT, Perplexity has several key advantages over the popular OpenAI product. The first advantage, as we’ve already discussed, is that Perplexity backs up its claims with citations. 

The second advantage is that the search interface incorporates real-time information. While ChatGPT does not consider information past 2021, Perplexity knew the release date of the Samsung Galaxy S23 a week after it occurred in February 2023. 

Perplexity’s access to recent data also makes it suited to other queries where information is updated regularly such as store opening times and weather forecasts.

Bird SQL

In December 2022, Perplexity introduced Bird SQL – a Twitter search interface powered by the company’s structured search engine. 

Bird SQL utilizes OpenAI Codex to translate natural language into SQL. This enables users with no prior experience in SQL to have queries answered from the information contained in Twitter’s vast database. 

Bird SQL is not yet a commercial product and the output is only based on Twitter data. Nevertheless, it can visualize, summarize and present results with stats and graphs generated from natural language with embedded code. Bird SQL is also unique in the sense that its capabilities are beyond those of conventional search engines.

Perplexity Ask’s future role

Perplexity Ask functionality is reminiscent of how Google answers some search queries with a small explanation box above the paid and organic results. It is also similar to ChatGPT with the ability for users to refine requests and iterate as if they were speaking to a person. 

While OpenAI is quick to point out that ChatGPT is not a search engine, the AI nonetheless has a tendency to produce inaccurate information and can be a very convincing liar. 

The Perplexity product is one of several (such as Jasper Chat and You.com’s YouChat) that attempts to bridge the gap with a blend of conversational refinement and informational accuracy. Perplexity is not immune from providing inaccurate information, but users can at least verify output from the citations provided.

Whether Perplexity Ask and its competitors pose a serious threat to Google search as we know it remains to be seen. This question would not have been asked a mere twelve months ago, but one can safely assume that Google is aware of generative AI’s potential and how quickly its capabilities are growing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Perplexity AI’s Background: Perplexity AI was founded in August 2022 by Denis Yarats, Aravind Srinivas, Johnny Ho, and Andy Konwinski. The company aims to bring novel technology and useful products to the world.
  • Core Product – Perplexity Ask: Perplexity AI’s primary product is “Perplexity Ask,” a search interface and chat tool powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 and Microsoft Bing. Unlike traditional search engines, Perplexity Ask provides summarized answers with citations for verification.
  • Functionality of Perplexity Ask:
    • Summarized Answers: Perplexity Ask delivers direct answers to user queries, along with citations for verification, rather than providing a list of links.
    • Incorporation of Real-time Information: The search interface includes real-time information, making it suitable for queries involving recent data updates, such as release dates, store opening times, and weather forecasts.
    • Conversational Search Experience: Perplexity Ask enables follow-up questions and iterative refinement, offering a conversational search experience.
  • Advantages Over Other Products:
    • Citations for Verification: Perplexity backs up its answers with citations, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the information provided.
    • Real-time Data: Perplexity incorporates recent data updates, giving it an advantage over other AI products like ChatGPT, which may not have access to the latest information.
  • Bird SQL: In December 2022, Perplexity introduced “Bird SQL,” a Twitter search interface powered by its structured search engine. It uses OpenAI Codex to translate natural language into SQL queries, providing access to Twitter’s vast database.
  • Potential Impact: Perplexity Ask aims to provide a blend of conversational refinement and informational accuracy, bridging the gap between traditional search engines and conversational AI like ChatGPT. Its focus on accurate and verifiable information could make it a strong competitor in the search engine space.
  • Competition and Future Prospects: While it remains to be seen whether products like Perplexity Ask could pose a serious threat to established search engines like Google, their focus on conversational refinement and accuracy highlights the growing potential of generative AI technology in the search domain. Google is likely aware of this trend and its implications for the future of search.

Read Next: History of OpenAI, AI Business Models, AI Economy.

Connected Business Model Analyses

AI Paradigm




Large Language Models

Large language models (LLMs) are AI tools that can read, summarize, and translate text. This enables them to predict words and craft sentences that reflect how humans write and speak.

Generative Models


Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is a natural language processing (NLP) concept that involves discovering inputs that yield desirable or useful results. Like most processes, the quality of the inputs determines the quality of the outputs in prompt engineering. Designing effective prompts increases the likelihood that the model will return a response that is both favorable and contextual. Developed by OpenAI, the CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) model is an example of a model that utilizes prompts to classify images and captions from over 400 million image-caption pairs.

OpenAI Organizational Structure

OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research laboratory that transitioned into a for-profit organization in 2019. The corporate structure is organized around two entities: OpenAI, Inc., which is a single-member Delaware LLC controlled by OpenAI non-profit, And OpenAI LP, which is a capped, for-profit organization. The OpenAI LP is governed by the board of OpenAI, Inc (the foundation), which acts as a General Partner. At the same time, Limited Partners comprise employees of the LP, some of the board members, and other investors like Reid Hoffman’s charitable foundation, Khosla Ventures, and Microsoft, the leading investor in the LP.

OpenAI Business Model

OpenAI has built the foundational layer of the AI industry. With large generative models like GPT-3 and DALL-E, OpenAI offers API access to businesses that want to develop applications on top of its foundational models while being able to plug these models into their products and customize these models with proprietary data and additional AI features. On the other hand, OpenAI also released ChatGPT, developing around a freemium model. Microsoft also commercializes opener products through its commercial partnership.


OpenAI and Microsoft partnered up from a commercial standpoint. The history of the partnership started in 2016 and consolidated in 2019, with Microsoft investing a billion dollars into the partnership. It’s now taking a leap forward, with Microsoft in talks to put $10 billion into this partnership. Microsoft, through OpenAI, is developing its Azure AI Supercomputer while enhancing its Azure Enterprise Platform and integrating OpenAI’s models into its business and consumer products (GitHub, Office, Bing).

Stability AI Business Model

Stability AI is the entity behind Stable Diffusion. Stability makes money from our AI products and from providing AI consulting services to businesses. Stability AI monetizes Stable Diffusion via DreamStudio’s APIs. While it also releases it open-source for anyone to download and use. Stability AI also makes money via enterprise services, where its core development team offers the chance to enterprise customers to service, scale, and customize Stable Diffusion or other large generative models to their needs.

Stability AI Ecosystem


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