
How Does Boxabl Work And Make Money?

Boxable is an American manufacturer of compact, modular homes that was founded in 2017 by Paolo Tiramani, son Galiano Tiramani, and Kyle Denman. 

Boxabl’s mission is to solve the worldwide housing crisis with a construction technique that is cheaper, better, and faster than traditional methods. According to Paolo Tiramani, the company will achieve this by making home construction compatible with assembly line production: “We see a huge opportunity to transition the world from building by hand, to using the same factory principles that we use for all our other modern products.

Business Model ElementAnalysisImplicationsExamples
Value PropositionBoxabl’s value proposition includes: – Affordable and Portable Housing: Offering cost-effective, modular housing solutions that can be easily transported and set up. – Quick Assembly: Providing structures that can be assembled rapidly, saving time and labor costs. – Customization: Allowing customers to customize their modular units to suit their specific needs. – Sustainability: Incorporating eco-friendly materials and design principles into their products. Boxabl appeals to individuals and businesses looking for affordable, portable, and customizable building solutions.Attracts customers seeking affordable and portable housing options. Offers a solution for rapid assembly, reducing construction time and costs. Provides customization options to meet diverse needs. Appeals to environmentally conscious consumers with sustainable design. Provides a unique value proposition in the modular construction industry.– Modular housing that is affordable and portable. – Rapid assembly, saving time and labor costs. – Customizable units for various applications. – Sustainable building solutions.
Customer SegmentsBoxabl serves the following customer segments: 1. Homeowners: Offering affordable and customizable housing solutions for individuals and families. 2. Real Estate Developers: Providing modular building options for residential and commercial projects. 3. Emergency Response Agencies: Offering quick and portable shelter solutions for disaster relief efforts. 4. Remote Workers: Catering to individuals seeking flexible and remote living spaces. Boxabl focuses on a diverse range of customers across different sectors.Targets homeowners looking for affordable and customizable housing. Serves real estate developers for construction projects. Provides rapid and portable shelter options for emergency response. Attracts remote workers seeking flexible living solutions. Diversifies its customer base in the modular construction industry.– Homeowners looking for affordable housing. – Real estate developers for construction projects. – Emergency response agencies for disaster relief. – Remote workers seeking flexible living spaces.
Distribution StrategyBoxabl’s distribution strategy includes: – Manufacturing Facility: Operating a manufacturing facility where modular units are produced. – Online Sales: Offering products for sale through an online platform, allowing customers to browse options and make purchases. – Partnerships: Collaborating with real estate developers, contractors, and other industry partners to promote and distribute their products. – Direct Sales: Engaging with customers directly to provide information and finalize sales. Boxabl combines manufacturing, online sales, partnerships, and direct sales to distribute its modular units.Manufactures modular units in-house for quality control. Utilizes online platforms for convenient product browsing and purchasing. Collaborates with industry partners to expand its reach. Engages directly with customers for personalized support and sales. Implements a multi-faceted distribution strategy in the modular construction industry.– In-house manufacturing facility. – Online platform for sales. – Partnerships with industry collaborators. – Direct engagement with customers.
Revenue StreamsBoxabl generates revenue through the following channels: 1. Unit Sales: Earning income from the sale of modular units to customers, including homeowners and real estate developers. 2. Customization Fees: Charging fees for customization options selected by customers. 3. Partnerships and Collaborations: Earning revenue through partnerships with real estate developers and other industry partners. 4. Rental Services: Offering modular units for rent or lease. Boxabl diversifies its revenue streams through unit sales, customization fees, partnerships, and rental services.Collects revenue from the sale of modular units to customers. Earns additional fees for customization options chosen by customers. Generates income through partnerships and collaborations. Offers rental services for recurring revenue. Diversifies income sources within the modular construction industry.– Revenue from sales of modular units. – Fees for customization options. – Income from partnerships and collaborations. – Rental income from leased units.
Marketing StrategyBoxabl’s marketing strategy involves: – Online Presence: Maintaining a strong online presence through a website and social media to showcase products and engage with customers. – Industry Events: Participating in trade shows, exhibitions, and industry events to showcase their modular units. – Collaborative Marketing: Partnering with real estate developers and contractors to promote their products. – Customer Testimonials: Sharing success stories and testimonials from satisfied customers. Boxabl utilizes online marketing, industry events, collaborations, and customer testimonials to market its modular units.Showcases products and engages with customers through an online presence. Participates in industry events for product exposure. Collaborates with industry partners for wider reach. Highlights customer satisfaction through testimonials. Implements a comprehensive marketing strategy in the modular construction industry.– Online platform and social media presence. – Participation in industry events and trade shows. – Collaborative marketing with industry partners. – Customer success stories and testimonials.
Organization StructureBoxabl’s organizational structure includes: – Executive Leadership: Comprising executives responsible for strategic direction and decision-making. – Manufacturing and Production Teams: Managing the production of modular units in the manufacturing facility. – Sales and Customer Support Teams: Handling sales, inquiries, and customer assistance. – Research and Development (R&D): Focusing on innovation and sustainability in product design. Boxabl maintains an organized structure to support manufacturing, sales, customer support, and innovation.Led by executive leadership for strategic guidance. Manages in-house production of modular units. Collaborates with customers and provides support through sales and customer service teams. Emphasizes research and development for innovation and sustainability. Maintains an organized structure aligned with its mission in the modular construction industry.– Executive leadership for strategic direction. – Manufacturing and production teams. – Sales and customer support teams. – Research and development for innovation.

How does Boxabl work?

Boxabl’s core product is the Casita, a pre-fabricated accessory dwelling unit (ADU) that has walls, a floor, and a roof that fold into each other to form a box. Each box can be unpacked and assembled in less than 60 minutes and can easily be transported with a modern pickup truck. 

Depending on the complexity of each site, the Casita sells for between $5,000 and $50,000. This does not include the price of the land or set-up costs that may be incurred for the foundation, utility connections, permits, landscaping, and so forth.

The Casita is comprised of steel, concrete, and EPS foam and is more resistant to snow, fire, pest invasion, and hurricane-force winds. Boxabl does not use traditional building materials such as sheetrock or common lumber.

In the factory, each unit progresses through six different workstations where tradespeople such as plumbers and electricians perform specialized tasks. The company claims its system can assemble a home in as little as 90 minutes.


Each Casita is a 20 x 20-foot studio apartment that comes with a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living area. But it is worth noting that additional Boxabl modules can be added to the Casita to create a larger home with a more traditional floorplan. There is even the possibility of adding a second story

It is feasible that developers could also use Boxabl modules to construct an entire apartment complex. Boxabl’s linkable, pop-up rooms could also serve as auxiliary hospitals, commercial offices, hotels, and disaster shelters.

What is Boxabl’s business model?

Boxabl’s business model is based on three central components:

  1. Mass production and standardization – Boxabl constructs and sells modular homes at scale. The company currently operates two factories in the United States but plans to build more automated facilities to increase productivity. The end product is of consistent quality and offers endless configuration options.
  2. Simplification – Boxabl takes inspiration from the Danish toy company Lego and the way it created a standardized system to build its plastic toys. Applied to house construction, the Boxabl system is simple, reliable, and embraces new and pragmatic materials.
  3. Transportation solutions – existing mobile homes often require police escorts or are subject to other restrictions that make them cumbersome and expensive to transport. Boxabl’s patented folding system enables units to be towed with a standard pickup truck or, on a larger truck, the company can ship 2 to 3 times more units per load. This results in cost savings for Boxabl and its customers.

Future plans

Tiramani wants a factory in every country and claims that Boxabl’s products are suited to any climate. To achieve this, Boxabl plans to adopt a factory franchise business model which would enable construction of the units to occur worldwide.

According to the company’s blog, over 100 potential franchisees have already expressed interest in the scheme.

Value Proposition:

  • Compact and Portable Design: Boxabl offers compact and foldable building units that can be transported efficiently and easily assembled on-site, providing a convenient and flexible solution for temporary and permanent housing needs in urban, suburban, and remote locations.
  • Affordable Housing Solutions: Boxabl provides cost-effective and scalable housing solutions that leverage innovative manufacturing techniques, modular design principles, and standardized components to reduce construction time, labor costs, and material waste, making homeownership more accessible and affordable for individuals and families.
  • Customizable Configurations: Boxabl offers customizable configurations, layouts, and design options to accommodate different space requirements, preferences, and lifestyles, allowing customers to personalize their living spaces and create functional and comfortable environments tailored to their needs.
  • Energy-Efficient and Sustainable: Boxabl incorporates energy-efficient and sustainable building practices, materials, and technologies into its construction process, including insulation, ventilation, solar panels, and smart home features, reducing environmental impact, energy consumption, and utility costs for occupants.
  • Rapid Deployment and Installation: Boxabl units are designed for rapid deployment and installation, with minimal site preparation, foundation requirements, and construction time, enabling faster occupancy and quicker response in emergency situations, such as natural disasters, housing shortages, or humanitarian crises.

Revenue Streams:

  • Unit Sales: Boxabl generates revenue through the sale of its foldable building units to individual homeowners, real estate developers, government agencies, and commercial clients, offering different sizes, configurations, and customization options at competitive price points.
  • Licensing and Partnerships: Boxabl may enter into licensing agreements, partnerships, and joint ventures with manufacturers, developers, contractors, and investors to expand its market reach, distribution network, and production capacity, earning licensing fees, royalties, or revenue-sharing arrangements.
  • Accessory Sales: Boxabl may offer accessory products, add-ons, and upgrades for its building units, such as furniture packages, appliances, fixtures, and smart home devices, providing additional revenue streams and value-added services for customers.
  • Rental and Leasing: Boxabl may explore rental and leasing options for its building units, allowing customers to lease or rent units on a short-term or long-term basis for temporary housing, commercial use, or event accommodations, generating recurring revenue streams and occupancy rates.
  • Value-Added Services: Boxabl may offer value-added services, consulting, and support for customers, including site assessments, project management, installation assistance, and maintenance services, providing additional revenue opportunities and enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Marketing Strategy:

  • Digital Marketing: Boxabl invests in digital marketing channels, including its website, social media platforms, search engine optimization (SEO), and online advertising, to raise brand awareness, generate leads, and drive traffic to its online platform, showcasing its products, features, and benefits to potential customers.
  • Content Marketing: Boxabl produces educational content, blog posts, videos, and case studies on topics related to modular construction, housing trends, sustainability, and lifestyle, sharing insights, tips, and success stories to engage and educate its target audience, positioning itself as a thought leader and trusted advisor in the industry.
  • Trade Shows and Events: Boxabl participates in industry trade shows, conferences, and events focused on construction, real estate, sustainability, and innovation to showcase its products, demonstrate its capabilities, network with industry professionals, and generate leads and partnerships, leveraging event marketing and networking opportunities to expand its market presence and customer base.
  • Public Relations: Boxabl engages in public relations activities, media outreach, and press releases to secure coverage and exposure in industry publications, mainstream media outlets, and online platforms, highlighting its achievements, milestones, and success stories, building credibility, and enhancing brand reputation and visibility.
  • Customer Referrals and Testimonials: Boxabl incentivizes satisfied customers, partners, and advocates to refer new business and share positive testimonials, reviews, and testimonials about their experiences with Boxabl’s products and services, leveraging word-of-mouth marketing and social proof to attract new customers and drive sales and conversions.

Key takeaways:

  • Boxable is an American manufacturer of compact, modular homes that was founded in 2017 by Paolo Tiramani, son Galiano Tiramani, and Kyle Denman. Boxabl’s mission is to solve the worldwide housing crisis with a construction technique that is cheaper, better, and faster than traditional methods.
  • Boxabl’s core product is the Casita, a pre-fabricated accessory dwelling unit (ADU) that has walls, a floor, and a roof that fold into each other to form a box. Each box can be unpacked and assembled in less than 60 minutes.
  • Boxabl’s business model is based on three central components: mass production and standardization, simplification, and transportation solutions. In the future, the company has plans to expand worldwide with a factory franchise system.

Key Highlights

  • Mission: Boxabl aims to address the global housing crisis by providing a cost-effective, efficient, and standardized construction technique for building homes.
  • Core Product – The Casita: Boxabl’s core product is the Casita, a pre-fabricated accessory dwelling unit (ADU). The Casita is a compact, modular home that can be assembled in less than 60 minutes, utilizing a folding system for walls, floor, and roof.
  • Construction Technique: Boxabl’s construction technique involves using steel, concrete, and EPS foam instead of traditional materials like sheetrock and common lumber. This makes the Casita more durable and resistant to various elements, including snow, fire, pests, and hurricane-force winds.
  • Flexibility and Expansion: The Casita is a 20 x 20-foot studio apartment, but additional modules can be added to create larger homes or even multi-story structures. Boxabl’s modular design allows for endless configuration options, making it suitable for various purposes, including apartment complexes, auxiliary hospitals, commercial offices, hotels, and disaster shelters.
  • Business Model: Boxabl’s business model is based on mass production and standardization, simplification of the construction process, and transportation solutions. The company aims to increase productivity by building more automated factories, providing consistent quality products, and saving costs through efficient transportation methods.
  • Factory Franchise System: Boxabl plans to expand worldwide by adopting a factory franchise business model. This approach would allow the construction of Boxabl units to occur in various countries, addressing housing needs globally.
  • Franchisee Interest: Boxabl has already received interest from over 100 potential franchisees who are interested in being part of the factory franchise scheme.

Read Next: Airbnb Business Model, Samara Business Model, ADU Market.

Related to Airbnb


An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a term used to describe a secondary house or apartment located on the same plot of land as a larger, primary place of residence. This has become an industry for its own sake, with the potential to become the next trillion-dollar industry.


Samara is a manufacturer of prefab accessory dwelling units (ADUs) that can be installed and operational in a matter of hours. It started as an R&D unit of Airbnb in 2016. And it eventually was spun off and run by Airbnb co-founder Joe Gebbia, who now runs it full-time.

Airbnb Arbitrage

Airbnb arbitrage is a business model where the renter of a house or apartment sub-lets the property to Airbnb users. This is a model where the Airbnb arbitrageur can transform a long-term rental, with the main property owner, into a short-term rental, with higher rates and margins.

Airbnb Business Model

Airbnb is a platform business model making money by charging guests a service fee between 5% and 15% of the reservation, while the commission from hosts is generally 3%. For instance, on a $100 booking per night set by a host, Airbnb might make as much as $15, split between host and guest fees. 

Is Airbnb Profitable?

In Q3 2022, Airbnb recorded its most profitable quarter ever. With revenues of $2.89 billion in Q3 2022, Airbnb posted a record of $1.21 in net income. The first nine months of 2022 posted revenues of $6.5 billion and a net income of $1.64 billion. Thus Airbnb will be profitable in 2022.

How Much Does Airbnb Take?

Airbnb’s take rates, also called fees, that the platform charges to hosts range between 15-20%. In Q3 2022, Airbnb’s take rate was around 18.5%, compared to 18.8% in 2021 on almost a hundred million nights booked over the platform. Airbnb’s gross booking value per night was $156.44 in Q3 2022, and the total gross booking value was $15.6 billion.

Airbnb Business Model Economics

In 2021, Airbnb generated enabled $46.9 Billion in Gross Booking Value, and it generated $6 Billion in service fee revenues. On 2021, there were $300.6 Million Nights and Experiences Booked, ad an average service fee of 12.78%, at an Average Value per Booking, $155.94.

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