9 Decision-Making Methods For Business


The OODA loop was popularized by U.S. Air Force fighter pilot Colonel John Boyd to describe maneuver warfare during the Korean War. The OODA loop is a four-step approach to decision making where strategies must be adjusted quickly. Those four steps comprise observe, orient, decide, and act.


The take-the-best heuristic is a decision-making shortcut that helps an individual choose between several alternatives. The take-the-best (TTB) heuristic decides between two or more alternatives based on a single good attribute, otherwise known as a cue. In the process, less desirable attributes are ignored.

Decision Matrix

A decision matrix is a decision-making tool that evaluates and prioritizes a list of options. Decision matrices are useful when: A list of options must be trimmed to a single choice. A decision must be made based on several criteria. A list of criteria has been made manageable through the process of elimination.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

A cost-benefit analysis is a process a business can use to analyze decisions according to the costs associated with making that decision. For a cost analysis to be effective it’s important to articulate the project in the simplest terms possible, identify the costs, determine the benefits of project implementation, assess the alternatives.

Go/No-Go Decision

In general, terms, go/no-go decision making is a process of passing or failing a proposition. Each proposition is assessed according to criteria that determine whether a project advances to the next stage. The outcome of the go/no-go decision making is to assess whether to go or not to go with a project, or perhaps proceed with caveats.



Asymmetric Betting


Growth Matrix

In the FourWeekMBA growth matrix, you can apply growth for existing customers by tackling the same problems (gain mode). Or by tackling existing problems, for new customers (expand mode). Or by tackling new problems for existing customers (extend mode). Or perhaps by tackling whole new problems for new customers (reinvent mode).

Revenue Streams Matrix

In the FourWeekMBA Revenue Streams Matrix, revenue streams are classified according to the kind of interactions the business has with its key customers. The first dimension is the “Frequency” of interaction with the key customer. As the second dimension, there is the “Ownership” of the interaction with the key customer.

Key Highlights of Decision-Making Concepts:

  • OODA Loop: The OODA loop, introduced by Colonel John Boyd, is a four-step decision-making approach – Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. It emphasizes quick adjustments in strategies, particularly in dynamic environments like warfare.
  • Take-The-Best Heuristic: The take-the-best heuristic is a decision-making shortcut where alternatives are evaluated based on a single good attribute (cue), ignoring less desirable attributes.
  • Decision Matrix: A decision matrix is a tool used to evaluate and prioritize options based on multiple criteria. It helps in making complex decisions by systematically comparing alternatives.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: A cost-benefit analysis assesses decisions based on costs and benefits. It helps businesses evaluate projects by identifying costs, benefits, and potential alternatives.
  • Go/No-Go Decision: Go/no-go decision making involves evaluating propositions against predetermined criteria to determine whether a project should proceed, be rejected, or have conditions applied.
  • Speed-Reversibility: Speed-reversibility is a decision-making principle that considers the trade-off between the speed of a decision and its potential to be reversed. Critical decisions may require more time to ensure they are made correctly.
  • Asymmetric Betting: Asymmetric betting involves making decisions where the potential upside greatly outweighs the potential downside, creating a favorable risk-reward ratio.
  • Growth Matrix: The FourWeekMBA growth matrix categorizes growth strategies into four modes: gain, expand, extend, and reinvent. It guides businesses in choosing growth paths based on targeting existing/new customers and solving existing/new problems.
  • Revenue Streams Matrix: The FourWeekMBA Revenue Streams Matrix classifies revenue streams based on interactions with key customers. It considers the frequency and ownership of interactions to define revenue generation strategies.
Decision-Making MethodDescriptionWhen to UseAdvantages of Using ItDrawbacks of Not Using It
OODA LoopThe OODA loop is a decision-making model consisting of four steps: Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. It emphasizes adaptability and quick decision-making in complex, dynamic situations.When making rapid decisions in dynamic and uncertain environments.1. Promotes agility and responsiveness in decision-making. 2. Helps individuals and organizations navigate complex and fast-changing situations.1. Inability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances can result in suboptimal decisions. 2. Lack of a structured approach may lead to confusion and indecision.
Take-The-BestThe take-the-best (TTB) heuristic is a decision-making shortcut that relies on choosing between alternatives based on a single best attribute (cue). It simplifies decision-making by focusing on one critical criterion.When making choices between alternatives and simplifying decision processes.1. Streamlines decision-making by prioritizing a single critical factor. 2. Reduces cognitive load by ignoring less relevant attributes.1. May lead to suboptimal decisions if the chosen cue does not adequately represent the overall quality of alternatives. 2. Ignores potentially valuable information from other attributes.
Decision MatrixA decision matrix is a systematic tool for evaluating and prioritizing options based on multiple criteria. It is useful when making decisions that require considering several factors or alternatives.When facing decisions involving multiple options and criteria.1. Provides a structured and comprehensive approach to decision-making. 2. Considers multiple criteria, leading to more informed choices.1. Without a decision matrix, decision-making may lack a systematic evaluation process, resulting in less-informed decisions. 2. Risk of overlooking important criteria and making suboptimal choices.
Cost-Benefit AnalysisCost-benefit analysis is a systematic process for evaluating decisions based on costs and benefits. It helps businesses assess the financial implications of choices and make informed decisions that maximize value.When assessing decisions with financial implications and trade-offs.1. Quantifies the financial impact of decisions, aiding in cost control. 2. Supports informed choices by comparing costs and benefits systematically.1. Without cost-benefit analysis, decision-making may lack financial clarity and may not consider long-term consequences. 2. Risk of making decisions based on incomplete financial information.
Go/No-Go DecisionGo/No-Go decision-making involves assessing project propositions against specific criteria to determine whether to proceed, halt, or proceed with caveats. It is crucial for project management and risk assessment.When evaluating project proposals or initiatives at various stages.1. Provides a structured approach to project evaluation and risk assessment. 2. Ensures that projects align with predefined criteria and objectives.1. Without go/no-go decision processes, organizations may struggle to manage risks and prioritize projects effectively. 2. Risk of pursuing projects that do not align with strategic goals or resources.
Speed-ReversibilitySpeed-reversibility focuses on making decisions with consideration for both speed and the ability to reverse or adjust them if needed. It balances the advantages of quick decisions with the flexibility to adapt as circumstances change.When facing decisions where both rapid action and adaptability are important.1. Combines the benefits of fast decision-making with the ability to correct course if necessary. 2. Reduces the risk of irreversible mistakes in fast-paced environments.1. Focusing solely on speed may lead to decisions that are difficult to reverse when circumstances change. 2. Risk of overlooking the importance of adaptability and reversibility.
Asymmetric BettingAsymmetric betting involves making calculated bets with a favorable risk-reward profile. It encourages taking well-considered risks when the potential gains outweigh the potential losses.When evaluating investment opportunities or strategic bets with uncertainty.1. Encourages strategic risk-taking by focusing on opportunities with high potential rewards. 2. Emphasizes a calculated approach to risk management.1. Without asymmetric betting, organizations may avoid potentially high-reward opportunities due to fear of risk. 2. Risk of missing out on strategic advantages and innovation.
Growth MatrixThe FourWeekMBA growth matrix offers four growth strategies: Gain, Expand, Extend, and Reinvent. It helps businesses choose growth paths by targeting existing or new customers and solving existing or new problems.When deciding on growth strategies and market approaches.1. Provides a structured framework for selecting growth strategies based on market dynamics. 2. Helps tailor strategies to customer needs and market conditions.1. Lack of strategic guidance may result in pursuing ineffective growth strategies. 2. Risk of misalignment with market demands and missed growth opportunities.
Revenue Streams MatrixThe FourWeekMBA Revenue Streams Matrix classifies revenue streams based on the frequency and ownership of interactions with key customers. It helps businesses understand revenue dynamics and plan monetization strategies.When analyzing revenue sources and developing monetization strategies.1. Offers insights into revenue sources and customer interactions for strategic planning. 2. Facilitates the identification of monetization opportunities and pricing strategies.1. Without revenue stream classification, businesses may struggle to optimize monetization and customer interactions. 2. Risk of missing out on revenue potential due to lack of strategic focus.

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