Gennaro Cuofano

Gennaro é o criador de FourWeekMBA, que atingiu cerca de quatro milhões de empresários, incluindo executivos de nível C, investidores, analistas, gerentes de produto e aspirantes a empreendedores digitais somente em 2022 | Ele também é diretor de vendas para uma expansão de alta tecnologia na indústria de IA | Em 2012, Gennaro obteve um MBA Internacional com ênfase em Finanças Corporativas e Estratégia Empresarial.

One-Size-Fits-All Marketing

One-Size-Fits-All Marketing is a strategy where a single marketing approach, message, or product offering is used to target a broad audience without customization or segmentation. This approach assumes that what appeals to one segment of the market will appeal to all segments, simplifying marketing efforts but often at the cost of personalization and relevance. Theoretical […]

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Spray and Pray Marketing

Spray and Pray Marketing is a traditional marketing strategy where businesses disseminate their marketing messages to a large, untargeted audience hoping some of the messages will resonate and result in sales. This approach often relies on high-volume tactics such as mass mailings, unsolicited emails, and broad media advertisements. Theoretical Foundations of Spray and Pray Marketing

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Interruption marketing

Interruption Marketing refers to any marketing strategy that “interrupts” a user’s activity to capture their attention. This traditional form of marketing includes tactics like television commercials, cold calls, pop-up ads, and direct mail—anything that requires a potential customer to stop what they’re doing to pay attention to the marketing message. Theoretical Foundations of Interruption Marketing

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Loja Pop-up

Pop-Up Stores are temporary retail spaces that enable brands to interact with customers directly for a limited time. This retail strategy is used to generate buzz, test new markets, launch products, and provide unique consumer experiences that reinforce the brand’s image and increase its reach. Theoretical Foundations of Pop-Up Stores Pop-up stores integrate concepts from

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Otimização de criativos dinâmicos

Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) is a technology-driven process used in digital advertising that automatically optimizes and personalizes ad content in real-time based on user data. DCO utilizes algorithms to adjust creative components such as images, messaging, or calls to action based on the viewer’s behaviors, preferences, or demographics to enhance engagement and conversion rates. Theoretical

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Capacitação de Vendas

Sales Enablement is a strategic, ongoing process that equips all salespeople with the ability to consistently and systematically have a valuable conversation with the right set of customer stakeholders at each stage of the customer’s problem-solving life cycle to optimize the return of investment of the selling system. It involves providing the sales organization with

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Advogado do desenvolvedor

A Developer Advocate, also known as a Developer Evangelist, is a role that bridges the gap between external developers and a company, primarily focusing on building and nurturing a community around a technology or product. This role combines aspects of marketing, support, and software development to boost technology adoption and improve product experiences. Theoretical Foundations

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Marketing orientado a dados

Data-driven Marketing refers to the practice of optimizing brand communication based on customer information. Data is collected, analyzed, and used to tailor marketing efforts to the individual preferences, behaviors, and needs of consumers, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing campaigns. Theoretical Foundations of Data-driven Marketing Data-driven marketing is rooted in the convergence of information

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Pivot Strategy

A pivot strategy refers to a fundamental change in a business direction or focus, often in response to market feedback, technological changes, or underperformance against initial business models. This adaptive strategy enables businesses to remain relevant and competitive by altering aspects of their operations, products, services, or marketing approaches. Theoretical Foundations of Pivot Strategy Pivot

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Counter-Branding is a marketing strategy used by companies to position their brand as a distinct alternative to mainstream competitors, often by challenging or rejecting the norms and values typically associated with their industry. This approach leverages contrast and opposition to create a unique brand identity that appeals to niche markets or consumers disillusioned with traditional

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Influencer Tiering

Influencer Tiering is a strategic approach used in influencer marketing to categorize influencers into different levels or tiers based on a set of criteria such as audience size, engagement rate, and niche relevance. This method helps brands efficiently allocate their marketing budgets and tailor their messaging to different segments of their target audience. Theoretical Foundations

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Publicidade cooperativa

Co-op advertising is a marketing partnership where manufacturers and retailers share the costs and strategic responsibilities of advertising efforts. This collaborative approach leverages the strengths of both parties to maximize the reach and impact of promotional activities. Theoretical Foundations of Co-Op Advertising This marketing strategy builds on the concept of cooperative economics—sharing the burden to

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Shock Advertising

Shock advertising, also known as shockvertising, involves creating adverts that startle and offend audiences by violating norms for social values and personal ideals. It’s used primarily to grab attention quickly, generate strong emotional responses, and create buzz or controversy. Theoretical Foundations of Shock Advertising Shock advertising draws on concepts from human psychology, particularly the theory

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Marketing secreto

Undercover marketing, also known as stealth marketing, involves marketing to consumers in a way that they do not realize they are being marketed to. It aims to promote products or brands indirectly through what appears to be non-marketing activities or genuine behavior. Theoretical Foundations of Undercover Marketing Undercover marketing is rooted in the principles of

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Marketing de rua

Street marketing refers to promotional activities conducted in public places to directly engage consumers through innovative, often unconventional methods. It’s part of guerrilla marketing tactics designed to surprise potential customers and create a memorable brand experience. Theoretical Foundations of Street Marketing Street marketing challenges traditional advertising by emphasizing interaction and personal engagement rather than passive

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Inflationary Gap

The Inflationary Gap is a crucial economic concept used to describe a situation where the total demand in an economy exceeds the total supply at the level of full employment, leading to upward pressure on prices. This gap is indicative of an overheating economy where aggregate demand outpaces aggregate supply. Theoretical Foundations of the Inflationary

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Output Gap

The Output Gap is a critical economic indicator that measures the difference between the actual output of an economy and its potential output at full capacity. It helps assess the overall economic performance and health of an economy, indicating whether it is underperforming, overheating, or in balance. Theoretical Foundations of the Output Gap The concept

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Balassa-Samuelson Effect

The Balassa-Samuelson Effect, named after economists Béla Balassa and Paul Samuelson, is a significant economic theory that explains why countries with high productivity growth in tradable goods sectors tend to have higher price levels, particularly in their non-tradable sectors. This phenomenon highlights the relationship between productivity, real exchange rates, and price levels across countries. Theoretical

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Big Mac Index

The Big Mac Index, conceived by The Economist in 1986, is an informal way of measuring the purchasing power parity (PPP) between two currencies and provides a test of the extent to which market exchange rates result in goods costing the same in different countries. It uses the price of a Big Mac as the

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