
What Is The Experience Curve And Why It Matters In Business

The Experience Curve argues that the more experience a business has in manufacturing a product, the more it can lower costs. As a company gains un know-how, it also gains in terms of labor efficiency, technology-driven learning, product efficiency, and shared experience, to reduce the cost per unit as the cumulative volume of production increases.

Experience Curve– The Experience Curve, also known as the Learning Curve, is a concept that illustrates how the unit cost of production decreases as a result of accumulated experience and learning over time. It is based on the observation that as individuals or organizations repeat a task, they become more efficient, leading to cost reductions.
Key PrinciplesLearning Effect: The experience curve is driven by the learning effect, which posits that with each doubling of cumulative output or experience, the unit cost decreases by a constant percentage. This is typically expressed as a learning curve rate (e.g., 80% or 90%). – Cumulative Output: The experience curve is linked to the cumulative output or the total quantity produced over time. – Experience Matters: The more experience a company or individual has in producing a product or providing a service, the greater the potential for cost savings.
Applications– The experience curve concept has wide applications in various industries, including manufacturing, aerospace, technology, and services. It is particularly relevant in industries with high fixed costs and where repetition and standardization can lead to cost reductions.
Cost Reduction Factors– Several factors contribute to cost reduction along the experience curve: Efficiency improvements, process optimization, automation, skill development, error reduction, and better utilization of resources. These factors collectively lead to lower unit costs.
Limitations– While the experience curve is a valuable tool for cost management, it has some limitations. It assumes that the learning rate remains constant, which may not always be the case. External factors like technological advancements or market changes can disrupt the expected cost reductions. – The experience curve also doesn’t consider economies of scale, which focus on cost reductions due to increased production volume.
Competitive Advantage– Organizations that effectively leverage the experience curve can gain a competitive advantage by offering products or services at lower costs than their competitors. This can lead to price competitiveness, higher profit margins, or the ability to invest in innovation.
Strategies– Companies can employ various strategies to benefit from the experience curve, including investing in employee training, standardizing processes, adopting efficient technologies, and scaling production. – Some organizations use the experience curve to set pricing strategies that reflect their cost advantages.
Conclusion– The Experience Curve is a valuable concept for understanding how repeated experience and learning can lead to cost reductions. While it has limitations and may not apply universally, it remains a relevant tool for cost management and competitive positioning in many industries. Leveraging the experience curve can result in cost efficiencies that benefit both organizations and consumers.

Understanding the experience curve

The Experience Curve was developed in the 1960s by The Boston Consulting Group who observed the phenomenon in the manufacture of semiconductors. 

They found that the value-added production cost declined by as much as 20 to 30% each time the total manufacturing output doubled.

In this context, manufacturing output was directly related to experience. In theory, experience then allows a company to further reduce production costs and gain a competitive advantage in the process.

In terms of the fundamental core processes that power the Experience Curve, consider the following:

Labor efficiency

Employees who perform the same job repeatedly will naturally become more skilful and efficient. Confidence also grows and as a result, they make fewer errors which increases productivity.

Standardization and specialization – skilled employees with experience then contribute to standardizing processes.

They also streamline the use of required tools, techniques, and materials.

Technology-driven learning

With more time, streamlined processes are fed into technology, further increasing the level of experience that a business has in manufacturing a product.

Product efficiency

When a company has enough experience to bulk produce goods and services, they achieve product and thus cost efficiency.

Shared experience effect

At this point, the company can apply their skill and experience in manufacturing one product into the manufacture of a related product.

This potentially shortens the learning curve and fast tracks their ability to reduce costs with experience.

Examples of the Experience Curve

Perhaps the most well-known example of the Experience Curve can be seen in the development of the Model T Ford. 

With the benefit of 11 years of assembly experience, Ford cut production costs of the Model T and increased its market share from 10% to 55%.

This was achieved by modernizing plants, vertical integration and eliminating model changes.

Ford even went as far offering the Model T in black only, since black paint dried the quickest and therefore increased the speed of production.

Contact lens maker Bausch & Lomb consolidated their market position by computerizing lens design and expanding their plant to facilitate greater productivity.

Arc welding supply company Lincoln Electric also encouraged experienced employees to create policies that would increase efficiency.

Limitations to the Experience Curve

The Experience Curve does suffer from limitations, particularly if certain aspects of the business are mismanaged. 

Potential limitations include:

  • A lack of mentors or skilled employees who can contribute their experience to improving company processes.
  • Mistaking the Experience Curve with future potential. While the curve does lead to reduced costs, it does not make any guarantees. Companies with poor management who suffer from negative external factors may find it difficult to reduce costs significantly.
  • Reliance on product relevancy. When a product becomes obsolete or falls out of favour with consumers, any cost reduction the company previously enjoyed will be eroded due to falling sales and lower profits. The company must then start the process again.

Further experience curve examples

Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments (TI) is an American manufacturer of semiconductors and various integrated circuits that was founded in 1930 by Eugene McDermott, J. Erik Jonsson, Patrick E. Haggerty, and Cecil Howard Green.

During the early 1970s, advances in hand-held calculator technology and sizeable price-sensitive demand provided an ideal opportunity for the company to adopt an experience curve strategy.

When Texas Instruments entered the market and implemented the strategy in 1972, calculator unit costs dropped from a number in the thousands to under $10 in around a decade.

In response, pent-up demand caused sales to skyrocket and, since the company was an experienced-based cost leader, its competitive advantage was impossible to overcome.

The example of Texas Instruments shows that experience curve strategies are particularly effective when there is extreme demand sensitivity to fluctuations in price.

Once the company was able to lower prices, the additional demand accelerated progress along the curve and enabled TI to rapidly increase output.

This output then decreased manufacturing costs further, which caused calculator prices to decrease and demand to increase in a positive feedback loop.

Oil and gas exploration

The effect of the experience curve has also been studied in the context of oil and gas exploration companies.

During the early years of the shale boom which began in the United States in the 1950s, the number of wells that were drilled with no resources discovered was as high as 45%.

By 2010, however, the percentage of oil and gas wells that were drilled dry had dramatically reduced to just 10%.

Cost reduction improvements were driven by several factors:

  • Incremental advances in technology.
  • Increased familiarity with crews and engineering, and
  • Reduced geologic uncertainty.

Using shale oil and gas development as an example, researchers were able to estimate an acceptable range of marginal costs for geothermal field development.

These costs were then combined with development cost estimates for specific enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) projects. In the process, researchers wanted to know the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for various project based on the total number of wells drilled.

The study concluded that there was significant cost reduction potential for EGS projects as a whole.

Taking into account reasonable cost assumptions and a multi-stage completion well design, researchers determined the unsubsidized LCOE for various projects at different stages of maturity. 

The results showed that the initial costs relative to market prices were high. However, the experience curve defined a clear path to developing cost-competitive EGS projects without having to rely on technological breakthroughs.

In markets where electricity prices were low, the study admitted that cost-competitiveness may take hundreds of wells to achieve.

But in favorable markets characterized by expensive electricity and an established carbon market, the experience curve would allow new ESG projects to become cost competitive in just a few iterations.

This, researchers suggested, would help dispel the myth that the costs of geothermal and ESG projects did not decrease reliably to a point where they could compete with other resources. 

In fact, the reduced exploration risk of ESG projects enabled a manufacturing approach to project development where scale, learning, and innovation factors eventually resulted in impressive cost and efficiency improvements.

Key takeaways

  • The Experience Curve refers to the graphic representation of the inverse relationship between the total value-added cost of a product and the experience the company has in manufacturing it.
  • The Experience Curve is powered by at least five fundamental mechanisms that emanate from a skilled and experienced workforce. 
  • The Experience Curve has several limitations because it relies on a skilled workforce and favourable product sales.

Key Highlights:

  • The Experience Curve: The Experience Curve is a concept that asserts that as a business gains more experience in manufacturing a product, its production costs decrease. This reduction in costs is driven by various factors associated with accumulated experience.
  • Origin of the Concept: The Boston Consulting Group developed the Experience Curve in the 1960s while observing the semiconductor manufacturing industry. They noticed that as production volumes doubled, the value-added production cost declined significantly, often by 20 to 30%.
  • Mechanisms Behind the Experience Curve:
    • Labor Efficiency: Employees become more skilled and efficient through repetitive tasks, leading to reduced errors and increased productivity.
    • Standardization and Specialization: Experienced workers contribute to standardizing processes and optimizing tool usage.
    • Technology-Driven Learning: Improved processes are integrated with technology, enhancing manufacturing experience.
    • Product Efficiency: Bulk production leads to increased product and cost efficiency.
    • Shared Experience Effect: Experience gained in manufacturing one product can be applied to related products, accelerating cost reduction.
  • Examples of the Experience Curve:
    • Model T Ford: Ford’s 11 years of assembly experience enabled them to cut production costs, increase market share, and streamline operations, e.g., offering the Model T in black for faster drying.
    • Bausch & Lomb: The contact lens maker used computerization and plant expansion to boost productivity.
    • Lincoln Electric: The welding supply company encouraged experienced employees to develop policies for increased efficiency.
  • Limitations:
    • Lack of Skilled Mentors: A lack of experienced mentors can hinder the application of the Experience Curve.
    • No Guarantee of Success: While cost reduction is likely, it doesn’t guarantee success, especially if external factors are unfavorable.
    • Product Relevancy: If a product becomes obsolete, cost reductions may not lead to sustained profits.
  • Additional Examples:
    • Texas Instruments: Implemented an experience curve strategy in the calculator market, significantly reducing unit costs and dominating the industry.
    • Oil and Gas Exploration: Experience curve effects observed in the reduction of dry wells due to advancements in technology and reduced geological uncertainty.
  • Applicability in Geothermal Energy: The Experience Curve can be applied to geothermal energy projects, showing a path to cost-competitive projects through scale, learning, and innovation, particularly in markets with high electricity prices and established carbon markets.

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Economies of Scope

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In a negative network effect as the network grows in usage or scale, the value of the platform might shrink. In platform business models network effects help the platform become more valuable for the next user joining. In negative network effects (congestion or pollution) reduce the value of the platform for the next user joining. 

Negative Network Effects

In a negative network effect as the network grows in usage or scale, the value of the platform might shrink. In platform business models network effects help the platform become more valuable for the next user joining. In negative network effects (congestion or pollution) reduce the value of the platform for the next user joining. 

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