
What Is Continuous Innovation And Why It Matters

That is a process that requires a continuous feedback loop to develop a valuable product and build a viable business model. Continuous innovation is a mindset where products and services are designed and delivered to tune them around the customers’ problem and not the technical solution of its founders.

PrincipleDescriptionExample Company
Love the Problem, Not the SolutionFocus on understanding the problem your customers face before developing solutions. Avoid prematurely falling in love with your product idea.Netflix
A Business Model Is the ProductInnovate your business model to align interests, create value, and drive scalability for all stakeholders.Amazon
Traction Is the GoalStrive for user and customer traction, especially in platform-based models. Traction attracts more participants and enhances the platform’s value.Uber
Right Action, Right TimeIdentify and prioritize key actions that matter at specific stages of your business. Allocate resources wisely and avoid distractions.Tesla
Give Yourself Permission to ScaleBegin with a niche market and focus on acquiring your first customers before expanding to a larger audience.Airbnb
Tackle Riskiest Assumptions FirstStart with small-scale validation to address the most uncertain and critical assumptions. Adapt your approach based on early feedback and learning.Dropbox
Think 10XGradually scale your product or service by opening to smaller user groups first. Gather feedback and refine your offering before scaling to a larger audience.Google
Make Evidence-Based DecisionsRely on data-driven decision-making by analyzing user behavior and engagement metrics. Use evidence to guide platform changes and feature updates.Facebook
Validate Qualitatively, Verify QuantitativelyCombine qualitative user feedback with quantitative data to refine products based on user preferences and behavior.Apple
Remove Failure from Your VocabularyEmbrace experimentation and iterative testing. View failures as opportunities to gather valuable data for continuous improvement.SpaceX

Continuous innovation as a set of mindsets

On FourWeekMBA I had Ash Maurya explain why continuous innovation matters so much. Let’ start from the key principles!



As Ash Maurya has highlighted continuous innovation is a set of mindsets moving along ten key principles:

Love the problem not the solution

Talking about problem-solution fit Ash Maurya highlighted how:

One of the biases that that many entrepreneurs fall run into is this premature love of the solution. Like the first principles in science, you almost have to deconstruct an idea. We have to start with the basics. In this case, when we look at our business, we have to break it down into customers and problems.

If you don’t have the right customers who are trying to get sorted and problem solved, and no matter what solution you build, it doesn’t matter because we know that unless you’re solving a problem, customers are not going to use it.

This is a common mistake, happening especially in the startup world, where it becomes easy to focus on providing technical solutions rather than focusing on the problem those might solve.

That is why you need to make sure to understand the problem first.

What problem are you solving? For whom? What alternatives are the people for which you will solve the problem using? Why and what can you do way better than existing alternatives?

Those are the right questions. Yet, many still focus on how to build a feature, product, and service without validating or understanding what problem is solving in the first place.

As Ash Maurya further highlighted when I interviewed him on FourWeekMBA:

They’re not going to pay money. Even if you can reach them.Even if you have a patent or an unfair advantage, it doesn’t matter at the end of the day because your customers don’t care.So that is the way we logically break it down, but that innovator’s bias is one of those sneaky things.

Keep that in mind!

A business model is the product

In a world driven by technology, it’s easy to think of technological innovation and business model innovation as two analogous concepts.

However, while technological innovation often focuses on the technical solution in its own sake. Business model innovation is about creating scalable companies and repeatable businesses able to create value by solving problems for customers, consumers, users, all the while creating value, in terms of financial resources for other investors and stakeholders.

In short, business model innovation aligns several interests, both monetary and not monetary for several players at once.

That is why it is such a powerful concept. It requires a deep understanding of the conflicting interests at play while keeping them aligned.

In a digital era, where technologies become commoditized as they get to the mainstream, what’s left is business model innovation.

That is why Ash Maurya highlights that the business model is the product. That is what creates a competitive advantage.

Traction is the goal

It might sound strange, yet one thing that aligns both investors and customers (often) is traction.

That is particularly true for platform business models and those products which gain value as more users, customers, and people in general start using them.

Imagine the case of a platform like Airbnb, that has no traction. How can you make sure there will be the right room or home in the place you’re about to visit?

Unless it keeps gaining traction to have a wide variety of guest and hosts, how can customers be sure the platform will be valuable over time.

And as the platform gains traction and it sustains that, it becomes valuable for investors too!

Right action, right time

As Ash Maurya highlighted in a 2016 post entitled “My 3 Biggest Lessons on Entrepreneurship (so far):”

“At any given point in time, there are only a few key actions that matter. Focus on those and ignore the rest”.

When you’re building a business, the way you decide to spend your time is the most important decision you make.

Thus, deciding on what to focus, but most of all on what not to focus that is key.

Give yourself permission to scale

This comes from the fact that a startup launching might worry too much on reaching the largest number of people possible.

That is a massive mistake. I can’t stress that enough and that is why I wrote about niche marketing and microniches.

Before you can scale, you need to find your first customers, and you need to define them very well and start reaching them early on!

Which connects to the next point.

Tackle riskiest assumptions first

As Ash Maurya highlighted in the FourWeekMBA interview on continuous innovation:

I sometimes like to call that permission to scale, so whether you’re a startup, whether you’re a corporate, we have to realize that products go through a life cycle, and rather than trying to rush to get to scale prematurely and then making a lot of mistakes and getting overwhelmed with risk, if we instead give ourselves permission to scale, start with smaller numbers of customers and users and more systematically roll it out, it makes the process more manageable. It helps us tackle the riskiest assumptions first.

There are several risky assumptions depending on the business you’re building. For instance, if you’re launching something that might not be technically complex, then the riskiest assumption is whether people might want that or not, so monetization becomes important.

If you can monetize it means there is a need for that product and use case. Thus, you can move to the feasibility risk. But even if you’re thinking to build a technically complex product, you might want to check whether there is a use case for it.

Unless you’re doing pure research, or you have a lot of funds allocated for the sake of technological innovation alone.

But once again, if we’re talking about business model innovation, you need to understand whether people are waiting for that problem to be solved.

For instance, when I interviewed Alberto Savoia he told the story of how IBM changed its course when it realized:

Many many years ago IBM thought “we want everyone to have personal computers,” but there was no way (think about this is like 1980) that most people are going to learn how to use a keyboard. In those days who used a keyboard? Secretaries, programmers, and writers. So they thought, we need people to be able to operate the computer without using the keyboard, just by using speech to text into a microphone. Of course, they could not build the technology, they could not build the prototype for years because the technology was not there, computers were not fast enough…

…Now, this was not possible, the technology wasn’t there, so they could not have built a prototype. So what happened, in the room next door, instead of a computer that actually did all this processing, there was a human being, one of those people who know how to type very fast, got the input through the headphone, typed it on their keyboard, and so to the users it looked as if there was a working prototype, but there wasn’t…

They learned very quickly and they got very valuable data that, while Text-To-Speech may be interesting, they better focus on accepting the fact that people will have to learn a keyboard. And, surprisingly enough, 40 years later we’ve all learned how to use keyboards even though, arguably, they are not a very efficient way of using a computer.

Think 10X

Ash Maurya 10x approach looks at what he calls a staged rollout or a place in which rather than opening to anyone you open to a set let’s say ten people first. A hundred. Then a thousand.

In this way you gradually scale, allowing enough feedback to avoid to kill your own product, too soon.

Make evidence-based decisions

As we flow into the ocean of data, that is among the most difficult things to accomplish.

The way you can gather evidence is by avoiding potential biases first. Understanding that most of what you’ll look at will be biased. Thus, you need to be aware of those biases and expose them to avoid falling into the trap of making decisions based on perception.

Validate qualitatively, verify quantitatively

This connects with the previous points. For instance, early on if you’re launching a product, it’s important to validate qualitatively by speaking to the first customers you get.

As the number of people accessing your product might grow, you can start looking at data which starts to having significance to understand how people consume your product or service.

Remove failure from your vocabulary

That is probably the hardest mindset to develop.

As none like to fail. However, if we have a model to build a business, we can develop a process to fail as well. So that each failed attempt and experiment will work as feedback.

If you just move the logic from personal (I failed) to procedural (the experiment designed through this process failed), you can definitely gain a better perspective!

Case Studies

  • Love the Problem, Not the Solution:
    • Netflix: Netflix transitioned from a DVD rental service to streaming because it recognized the customer problem of convenient and on-demand entertainment. They focused on solving this problem with streaming technology, shifting their business model successfully.
  • A Business Model Is the Product:
    • Amazon: Amazon’s innovative business model extends beyond e-commerce to include Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS revolutionized cloud computing by providing scalable and cost-effective cloud infrastructure services, creating a new revenue stream and business model.
  • Traction Is the Goal:
    • Uber: Uber’s success is built on the idea that more users attract more drivers and vice versa, creating a network effect. This traction makes the platform more valuable to both riders and drivers, establishing Uber as a dominant player in the ride-sharing industry.
  • Right Action, Right Time:
    • Tesla: Tesla strategically focused on developing battery technology and electric vehicles (EVs) when the market was ready. Their timing allowed them to become a leader in the electric car industry, capitalizing on increasing demand for sustainable transportation.
  • Give Yourself Permission to Scale:
    • Airbnb: Airbnb started small by offering air mattresses in a shared apartment. This allowed them to validate their concept and gain a deep understanding of their niche market before scaling to become a global lodging platform.
  • Tackle Riskiest Assumptions First:
    • Dropbox: Dropbox began with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that addressed the risky assumption that people needed a simple and seamless way to share files across devices. They validated this assumption before expanding their feature set.
  • Think 10X:
    • Google: Google often adopts a staged rollout approach when launching products or features. They start with a limited user base, gather feedback, and gradually scale up. This process ensures that products are refined based on real-world usage.
  • Make Evidence-Based Decisions:
    • Facebook: Facebook relies heavily on data-driven decision-making. They analyze user behavior, engagement metrics, and other data points to make informed platform decisions, such as algorithm changes and feature updates.
  • Validate Qualitatively, Verify Quantitatively:
    • Apple: Apple combines qualitative user feedback, often collected through direct engagement and usability testing, with quantitative data on user interactions. This approach helps them refine their products based on both user preferences and behavior.
  • Remove Failure from Your Vocabulary:
    • SpaceX: SpaceX embraces iterative testing in the development of space technology. They view each test and experiment as an opportunity to gather valuable data, even if it results in failure. This mindset allows them to continuously improve their rockets and spacecraft.

Key Principles of Continuous Innovation:

  • Love the Problem, Not the Solution: Avoid prematurely falling in love with your solution. Focus on understanding the problem and identifying the right customers before developing a solution.
  • A Business Model Is the Product: In a technology-driven world, business model innovation is more crucial than ever. Business models align various interests and create value for stakeholders beyond just the technical solution.
  • Traction Is the Goal: Traction is a unifying factor for both investors and customers, especially in platform-based models. The growth of users contributes to the value of the platform, benefiting all parties involved.
  • Right Action, Right Time: Identify the key actions that matter most at a given time. Focus on these actions and ignore distractions to make the best use of your time and resources.
  • Give Yourself Permission to Scale: Before aiming for mass scale, focus on finding your first customers and defining your niche. Niche marketing and catering to a specific audience help in establishing a solid foundation.
  • Tackle Riskiest Assumptions First: Start with smaller numbers of customers/users to systematically validate and roll out your product. Address the riskiest assumptions early on to manage challenges effectively.
  • Think 10X: Adopt a staged rollout approach. Gradually scale and gather feedback to prevent prematurely killing your product.
  • Make Evidence-Based Decisions: In a data-driven age, be aware of biases and strive to make decisions based on evidence rather than perceptions.
  • Validate Qualitatively, Verify Quantitatively: Initially, validate your product or service qualitatively by engaging with early customers. As your user base grows, analyze quantitative data to gain insights.
  • Remove Failure from Your Vocabulary: Shift the perspective from personal failure to procedural experimentation. Treat each failed attempt as valuable feedback to refine your approach.
PrinciplesDescriptionWhen to ConsiderKey PointsAdvantagesDrawbacks
Love the problem, not the solutionPrioritize understanding and solving the customer’s problem before developing a solution.When ideating and developing new products or services.Focus on customer needs and value proposition.Enhanced problem-solution fit.Resistance to letting go of initial solutions.
A business model is the productConsider the business model as the core product, focusing on creating value by solving problems.When designing or reevaluating business models.Align interests and create scalable, repeatable businesses.Enhanced competitive advantage.Complexity in balancing various interests.
Traction is the goalAchieving traction by gaining users or customers is a common goal aligning investors and customers.When building products or platforms that rely on user growth.User and investor alignment through traction.Increased platform or product value.Challenges in attracting initial users.
Right action, right timeFocus on the key actions that matter at any given time, prioritizing and ignoring non-essential tasks.During the decision-making process and resource allocation.Efficient use of time and resources.Improved focus and productivity.Risk of neglecting important aspects.
Give yourself permission to scaleBefore scaling, start with a small, well-defined user base to gather insights and minimize risks.When launching a new product or service.Begin with a niche audience to validate and refine.Reduces risks and validates assumptions.Initial audience limitations and slower growth.
Tackle riskiest assumptions firstIdentify and address the riskiest assumptions about your business early in the development process.During the early stages of product or business development.Systematically manage and validate assumptions.Reduces uncertainty and avoids costly mistakes.May require significant upfront research and testing.
Think 10XGradually scale your product by initially opening it to a limited audience and incrementally increasing access.When launching a new product or service.Controlled and manageable growth with feedback.Avoids overwhelming infrastructure and resources.Slower initial user acquisition.
Make evidence-based decisionsMake decisions based on data and evidence rather than relying solely on perceptions or biases.Throughout the product development and decision-making process.Informed and objective decision-making.Reduces risks and errors in judgment.Challenges in obtaining and interpreting relevant data.
Validate qualitatively, verify quantitativelyValidate assumptions qualitatively by talking to users early on, then verify with quantitative data as the user base grows.During product development and growth phases.Early qualitative insights, followed by quantitative validation.Informed decision-making at various stages.Requires effective data collection and analysis strategies.
Remove failure from your vocabularyShift from viewing personal failure to recognizing that experiments or processes can fail, providing valuable feedback.Throughout the innovation and business development journey.Encourages learning and resilience through experimentation.Embraces a culture of continuous improvement.May require mindset and cultural shifts.

Read Next: Business Model Innovation, Business Models.

Related Innovation Frameworks

Business Engineering


Business Model Innovation

Business model innovation is about increasing the success of an organization with existing products and technologies by crafting a compelling value proposition able to propel a new business model to scale up customers and create a lasting competitive advantage. And it all starts by mastering the key customers.

Innovation Theory

The innovation loop is a methodology/framework derived from the Bell Labs, which produced innovation at scale throughout the 20th century. They learned how to leverage a hybrid innovation management model based on science, invention, engineering, and manufacturing at scale. By leveraging individual genius, creativity, and small/large groups.

Types of Innovation

According to how well defined is the problem and how well defined the domain, we have four main types of innovations: basic research (problem and domain or not well defined); breakthrough innovation (domain is not well defined, the problem is well defined); sustaining innovation (both problem and domain are well defined); and disruptive innovation (domain is well defined, the problem is not well defined).

Continuous Innovation

That is a process that requires a continuous feedback loop to develop a valuable product and build a viable business model. Continuous innovation is a mindset where products and services are designed and delivered to tune them around the customers’ problem and not the technical solution of its founders.

Disruptive Innovation

Disruptive innovation as a term was first described by Clayton M. Christensen, an American academic and business consultant whom The Economist called “the most influential management thinker of his time.” Disruptive innovation describes the process by which a product or service takes hold at the bottom of a market and eventually displaces established competitors, products, firms, or alliances.

Business Competition

In a business world driven by technology and digitalization, competition is much more fluid, as innovation becomes a bottom-up approach that can come from anywhere. Thus, making it much harder to define the boundaries of existing markets. Therefore, a proper business competition analysis looks at customer, technology, distribution, and financial model overlaps. While at the same time looking at future potential intersections among industries that in the short-term seem unrelated.

Technological Modeling

Technological modeling is a discipline to provide the basis for companies to sustain innovation, thus developing incremental products. While also looking at breakthrough innovative products that can pave the way for long-term success. In a sort of Barbell Strategy, technological modeling suggests having a two-sided approach, on the one hand, to keep sustaining continuous innovation as a core part of the business model. On the other hand, it places bets on future developments that have the potential to break through and take a leap forward.

Diffusion of Innovation

Sociologist E.M Rogers developed the Diffusion of Innovation Theory in 1962 with the premise that with enough time, tech products are adopted by wider society as a whole. People adopting those technologies are divided according to their psychologic profiles in five groups: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.

Frugal Innovation

In the TED talk entitled “creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits” Navi Radjou defined frugal innovation as “the ability to create more economic and social value using fewer resources. Frugal innovation is not about making do; it’s about making things better.” Indian people call it Jugaad, a Hindi word that means finding inexpensive solutions based on existing scarce resources to solve problems smartly.

Constructive Disruption

A consumer brand company like Procter & Gamble (P&G) defines “Constructive Disruption” as: a willingness to change, adapt, and create new trends and technologies that will shape our industry for the future. According to P&G, it moves around four pillars: lean innovation, brand building, supply chain, and digitalization & data analytics.

Growth Matrix

In the FourWeekMBA growth matrix, you can apply growth for existing customers by tackling the same problems (gain mode). Or by tackling existing problems, for new customers (expand mode). Or by tackling new problems for existing customers (extend mode). Or perhaps by tackling whole new problems for new customers (reinvent mode).

Innovation Funnel

An innovation funnel is a tool or process ensuring only the best ideas are executed. In a metaphorical sense, the funnel screens innovative ideas for viability so that only the best products, processes, or business models are launched to the market. An innovation funnel provides a framework for the screening and testing of innovative ideas for viability.

Idea Generation


Design Thinking

Tim Brown, Executive Chair of IDEO, defined design thinking as “a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.” Therefore, desirability, feasibility, and viability are balanced to solve critical problems.

Connected Agile Frameworks


AIOps is the application of artificial intelligence to IT operations. It has become particularly useful for modern IT management in hybridized, distributed, and dynamic environments. AIOps has become a key operational component of modern digital-based organizations, built around software and algorithms.


AgileSHIFT is a framework that prepares individuals for transformational change by creating a culture of agility.

Agile Methodology

Agile started as a lightweight development method compared to heavyweight software development, which is the core paradigm of the previous decades of software development. By 2001 the Manifesto for Agile Software Development was born as a set of principles that defined the new paradigm for software development as a continuous iteration. This would also influence the way of doing business.

Agile Program Management

Agile Program Management is a means of managing, planning, and coordinating interrelated work in such a way that value delivery is emphasized for all key stakeholders. Agile Program Management (AgilePgM) is a disciplined yet flexible agile approach to managing transformational change within an organization.

Agile Project Management

Agile project management (APM) is a strategy that breaks large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. In the APM methodology, each project is completed in small sections – often referred to as iterations. Each iteration is completed according to its project life cycle, beginning with the initial design and progressing to testing and then quality assurance.

Agile Modeling

Agile Modeling (AM) is a methodology for modeling and documenting software-based systems. Agile Modeling is critical to the rapid and continuous delivery of software. It is a collection of values, principles, and practices that guide effective, lightweight software modeling.

Agile Business Analysis

Agile Business Analysis (AgileBA) is certification in the form of guidance and training for business analysts seeking to work in agile environments. To support this shift, AgileBA also helps the business analyst relate Agile projects to a wider organizational mission or strategy. To ensure that analysts have the necessary skills and expertise, AgileBA certification was developed.

Agile Leadership

Agile leadership is the embodiment of agile manifesto principles by a manager or management team. Agile leadership impacts two important levels of a business. The structural level defines the roles, responsibilities, and key performance indicators. The behavioral level describes the actions leaders exhibit to others based on agile principles. 

Bimodal Portfolio Management

Bimodal Portfolio Management (BimodalPfM) helps an organization manage both agile and traditional portfolios concurrently. Bimodal Portfolio Management – sometimes referred to as bimodal development – was coined by research and advisory company Gartner. The firm argued that many agile organizations still needed to run some aspects of their operations using traditional delivery models.

Business Innovation Matrix

Business innovation is about creating new opportunities for an organization to reinvent its core offerings, revenue streams, and enhance the value proposition for existing or new customers, thus renewing its whole business model. Business innovation springs by understanding the structure of the market, thus adapting or anticipating those changes.

Business Model Innovation

Business model innovation is about increasing the success of an organization with existing products and technologies by crafting a compelling value proposition able to propel a new business model to scale up customers and create a lasting competitive advantage. And it all starts by mastering the key customers.

Constructive Disruption

A consumer brand company like Procter & Gamble (P&G) defines “Constructive Disruption” as: a willingness to change, adapt, and create new trends and technologies that will shape our industry for the future. According to P&G, it moves around four pillars: lean innovation, brand building, supply chain, and digitalization & data analytics.

Continuous Innovation

That is a process that requires a continuous feedback loop to develop a valuable product and build a viable business model. Continuous innovation is a mindset where products and services are designed and delivered to tune them around the customers’ problem and not the technical solution of its founders.

Design Sprint

A design sprint is a proven five-day process where critical business questions are answered through speedy design and prototyping, focusing on the end-user. A design sprint starts with a weekly challenge that should finish with a prototype, test at the end, and therefore a lesson learned to be iterated.

Design Thinking

Tim Brown, Executive Chair of IDEO, defined design thinking as “a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.” Therefore, desirability, feasibility, and viability are balanced to solve critical problems.


DevOps refers to a series of practices performed to perform automated software development processes. It is a conjugation of the term “development” and “operations” to emphasize how functions integrate across IT teams. DevOps strategies promote seamless building, testing, and deployment of products. It aims to bridge a gap between development and operations teams to streamline the development altogether.

Dual Track Agile

Product discovery is a critical part of agile methodologies, as its aim is to ensure that products customers love are built. Product discovery involves learning through a raft of methods, including design thinking, lean start-up, and A/B testing to name a few. Dual Track Agile is an agile methodology containing two separate tracks: the “discovery” track and the “delivery” track.

Feature-Driven Development

Feature-Driven Development is a pragmatic software process that is client and architecture-centric. Feature-Driven Development (FDD) is an agile software development model that organizes workflow according to which features need to be developed next.

eXtreme Programming

eXtreme Programming was developed in the late 1990s by Ken Beck, Ron Jeffries, and Ward Cunningham. During this time, the trio was working on the Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation System (C3) to help manage the company payroll system. eXtreme Programming (XP) is a software development methodology. It is designed to improve software quality and the ability of software to adapt to changing customer needs.

ICE Scoring

The ICE Scoring Model is an agile methodology that prioritizes features using data according to three components: impact, confidence, and ease of implementation. The ICE Scoring Model was initially created by author and growth expert Sean Ellis to help companies expand. Today, the model is broadly used to prioritize projects, features, initiatives, and rollouts. It is ideally suited for early-stage product development where there is a continuous flow of ideas and momentum must be maintained.

Innovation Funnel

An innovation funnel is a tool or process ensuring only the best ideas are executed. In a metaphorical sense, the funnel screens innovative ideas for viability so that only the best products, processes, or business models are launched to the market. An innovation funnel provides a framework for the screening and testing of innovative ideas for viability.

Innovation Matrix

According to how well defined is the problem and how well defined the domain, we have four main types of innovations: basic research (problem and domain or not well defined); breakthrough innovation (domain is not well defined, the problem is well defined); sustaining innovation (both problem and domain are well defined); and disruptive innovation (domain is well defined, the problem is not well defined).

Innovation Theory

The innovation loop is a methodology/framework derived from the Bell Labs, which produced innovation at scale throughout the 20th century. They learned how to leverage a hybrid innovation management model based on science, invention, engineering, and manufacturing at scale. By leveraging individual genius, creativity, and small/large groups.

Lean vs. Agile

The Agile methodology has been primarily thought of for software development (and other business disciplines have also adopted it). Lean thinking is a process improvement technique where teams prioritize the value streams to improve it continuously. Both methodologies look at the customer as the key driver to improvement and waste reduction. Both methodologies look at improvement as something continuous.

Lean Startup

A startup company is a high-tech business that tries to build a scalable business model in tech-driven industries. A startup company usually follows a lean methodology, where continuous innovation, driven by built-in viral loops is the rule. Thus, driving growth and building network effects as a consequence of this strategy.


Kanban is a lean manufacturing framework first developed by Toyota in the late 1940s. The Kanban framework is a means of visualizing work as it moves through identifying potential bottlenecks. It does that through a process called just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing to optimize engineering processes, speed up manufacturing products, and improve the go-to-market strategy.

Rapid Application Development

RAD was first introduced by author and consultant James Martin in 1991. Martin recognized and then took advantage of the endless malleability of software in designing development models. Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a methodology focusing on delivering rapidly through continuous feedback and frequent iterations.

Scaled Agile

Scaled Agile Lean Development (ScALeD) helps businesses discover a balanced approach to agile transition and scaling questions. The ScALed approach helps businesses successfully respond to change. Inspired by a combination of lean and agile values, ScALed is practitioner-based and can be completed through various agile frameworks and practices.

Spotify Model

The Spotify Model is an autonomous approach to scaling agile, focusing on culture communication, accountability, and quality. The Spotify model was first recognized in 2012 after Henrik Kniberg, and Anders Ivarsson released a white paper detailing how streaming company Spotify approached agility. Therefore, the Spotify model represents an evolution of agile.

Test-Driven Development

As the name suggests, TDD is a test-driven technique for delivering high-quality software rapidly and sustainably. It is an iterative approach based on the idea that a failing test should be written before any code for a feature or function is written. Test-Driven Development (TDD) is an approach to software development that relies on very short development cycles.


Timeboxing is a simple yet powerful time-management technique for improving productivity. Timeboxing describes the process of proactively scheduling a block of time to spend on a task in the future. It was first described by author James Martin in a book about agile software development.


Scrum is a methodology co-created by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland for effective team collaboration on complex products. Scrum was primarily thought for software development projects to deliver new software capability every 2-4 weeks. It is a sub-group of agile also used in project management to improve startups’ productivity.


Scrumban is a project management framework that is a hybrid of two popular agile methodologies: Scrum and Kanban. Scrumban is a popular approach to helping businesses focus on the right strategic tasks while simultaneously strengthening their processes.

Scrum Anti-Patterns

Scrum anti-patterns describe any attractive, easy-to-implement solution that ultimately makes a problem worse. Therefore, these are the practice not to follow to prevent issues from emerging. Some classic examples of scrum anti-patterns comprise absent product owners, pre-assigned tickets (making individuals work in isolation), and discounting retrospectives (where review meetings are not useful to really make improvements).

Scrum At Scale

Scrum at Scale (Scrum@Scale) is a framework that Scrum teams use to address complex problems and deliver high-value products. Scrum at Scale was created through a joint venture between the Scrum Alliance and Scrum Inc. The joint venture was overseen by Jeff Sutherland, a co-creator of Scrum and one of the principal authors of the Agile Manifesto.

Stretch Objectives

Stretch objectives describe any task an agile team plans to complete without expressly committing to do so. Teams incorporate stretch objectives during a Sprint or Program Increment (PI) as part of Scaled Agile. They are used when the agile team is unsure of its capacity to attain an objective. Therefore, stretch objectives are instead outcomes that, while extremely desirable, are not the difference between the success or failure of each sprint.


The waterfall model was first described by Herbert D. Benington in 1956 during a presentation about the software used in radar imaging during the Cold War. Since there were no knowledge-based, creative software development strategies at the time, the waterfall method became standard practice. The waterfall model is a linear and sequential project management framework. 

What to read next

Read Also: Business Models Guide, Sumo Logic Business Model, Snowflake

InnovationAgile MethodologyLean StartupBusiness Model InnovationProject Management.

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